
Creates an AP Bill record for a specified vendor

POST api/apbill/search

Get a list of AP Bills by search criteria

GET api/apbill/{id}

Returns a specific AP Bill record by InvoiceID

POST api/apbill

Creates an APBill record for a specified vendor


Creates an AP Check record for a customer refund.

GET api/apcheck/{id}

Returns a specific AP Check record by CheckID

POST api/apcheck

Creates an APCheck record for a customer refund.


Allows views only of Branch records

GET api/branch

Returns all Branches

GET api/branch/{id}

Returns the specified Branch


GET api/Category

Returns all the records in the AR_Category table expect the default record

GET api/Category/{id}

Returns the specified Category


Allows views only of Collection Status records

GET api/collectionstatus

Returns all Collection Statuses

GET api/collectionstatus/{id}

Returns the specified Collection Status


Allows views only of Contract Form records

GET api/contractform

Returns all Contract Forms

GET api/contractform/{id}

Returns the specified Contract Form


Allows views only of CreditReason records

GET api/CreditReason

Returns all CreditReasones

GET api/CreditReason/{id}

Returns the specified CreditReason


Critical messages can only be added and retrieved one at a time. No updates.

GET api/CriticalMessage/{id}

Returns a specific CriticalMessage record by CriticalMessageId

POST api/CriticalMessage

Creates a new Critical Message record


Allows inserts, updates and views of Customer records

GET api/customer/{id}/{option}

Returns a set of Customer records based on the option parameter. The id parameter may or may not be used. Possible values for the option parameter are: 'ByCustomerNumber' - a single record for Customer where id = CustomerNumber, 'ByCancelledRecurring' - list of customers cancelled via recurrings over a period of time (date range passed into ID in format YYYYMMDD-YYYYMMDD)

GET api/customerdashboard/{id}

Returns dashboard info (Balance, Last Payment, Open Service Tickets, etc.) by CustomerID

POST api/customer/CustomerSearch

Returns a list of combined Job and Service Ticket Dispatch records filtered by values in the DispatchSearch object

GET api/customer

Returns a queryable list of customers. oData capable.

GET api/customer/{id}

Returns a specific Customer record by CustomerID

POST api/customer

Creates a new Customer record. In order for the record to show in SedonaOffice, it must also have a CustomerBill and CustomerSite record associated with it.

PUT api/customer/{id}

Update a specific Customer record by CustomerID


Allows inserts and views of Customer ACH payment and refund records

GET api/customerach/{id}

Returns the specified Customer ACH by ACH_Id

GET api/customerach/{id}/{option}

Returns a set of Customer ACH records based on the option parameter. The id parameter may or may not be used. Possible values for the option parameter are: 'ByCustomerId' - all ACH records for Customer where id = customerId.

GET api/customerach

Returns the last 10 records inserted into the ACH table (for testing purposes only; this operation may be disabled in production.)

POST api/customerach

Creates a new ACH record for payment of existing Invoices; create an entry for a pre-authorized Forte transaction that will be cleared in SedonaOffice (use CustomerPayment to create Deposit Check entries). Can also be used to create a credit refund by setting IsCredit = True (either a Credit or Unapplied Cash transaction must also be created for the customer for the accounting records to be complete).


POST api/CustomerACHTransaction

Allows the bulk submission of transactions for adding AR_ACH records. New transaction will be added while existing transaction will be skipped to avoid duplicate records. Each AR_ACH will be added to a batch based on the tranasction date


Creates a Customer Payment record for a specified customer

POST api/CustomerActivityLedger/search

Retrieve CustomerActivityLedger by CustomerNumber and other optional parameters


Allows inserts and views of Customer CustomerAdvanceDeposit records.

GET api/customeradvancedeposit/{id}

Returns a specific Customer Advance Deposit record by CustomerAdvanceDepositID

GET api/customeradvancedeposit/{id}/{option}

Returns a set of Customer Advance Deposit records based on the option parameter. Possible values for the option parameter are: 'ByCustomerId' - all Invoice records for Customer where id = customerId, ...

GET api/CustomerAdvanceDeposit

Returns the last 10 records inserted into the AR_Advance_Deposit table (for testing purposes only; this operation may be disabled in production.)

POST api/CustomerAdvanceDeposit

Creates an CustomerAdvanceDeposit record. Customer, Bill Address, and Site records must exist in order to create an CustomerAdvanceDeposit.


Allows view only of a specific Customer Aging record

GET api/customeraging/{id}

Returns the specified Customer Aging record for the Customer_Id passed in


Allows inserts, updates and views of Customer Bank (as a payment method) records.

GET api/customerbank/{id}/{option}

Returns a set of Customer Bill records based on the option parameter. The id parameter may or may not be used. Possible values for the option parameter are: 'ByCustomerId' - all bank records for Customer where id = customerId, 'ByCustomerNumber' - all bank records for Customer where id = CustomerNumber,...

GET api/customerbank

Returns the last 10 records inserted into the Customer Bank table (for testing purposes only; this operation may be disabled in production.)

GET api/customerbank/{id}

Returns a specific Customer Bank record by CustomerBankID

POST api/customerbank

Creates a new Customer Bank record. A Customer record must exist in order to create a Bank record.

PUT api/customerbank/{id}

Update a specific Customer Bank record by CustomerBankID


Allows inserts, updates and views of Customer Billing address records. A customer can have multiple billing address records. IsPrimary designates the primary billing address. There must be one and only one primary billing address.

GET api/customerbill/{id}

Returns a specific Customer Bill record by CustomerBillID

GET api/customerbill/{id}/{option}

Returns a set of Customer Bill records based on the option parameter. The id parameter may or may not be used. Possible values for the option parameter are: 'ByCustomerId' - all billing records for Customer where id = customerId, 'ByCustomerNumber' - all billing records for Customer where id = CustomerNumber,...

PUT api/customerbill/{id}

Updates a specific Customer Bill record by CustomerBillID. You must provide the CustomerBillID in the first parameter and within the CustomerBill object. If these don't match the method will not update the record. It is strongly recommended that you synchronize your Customer Bill information with the database using the Get(int) opertion prior to updating the record.

GET api/customerbill

Returns the last 10 records inserted into the AR_Customer_Bill table (for testing purposes only; this operation may be disabled in production.)

POST api/customerbill

Creates a Customer Bill record. A Customer record must exist in order to create a Customer Billing address.


Allows inserts, updates and views of Customer Credit Card (as a payment method) records.

GET api/customercc/{id}/{option}

Returns a set of Customer Bill records based on the option parameter. The id parameter may or may not be used. Possible values for the option parameter are: 'ByCustomerId' - all Credit Card records for Customer where id = customerId, 'ByCustomerNumber' - all Credit Card records for Customer where id = CustomerNumber,...

GET api/customercc

Returns the last 10 records inserted into the Customer Credit Card table (for testing purposes only; this operation may be disabled in production.)

GET api/customercc/{id}

Returns a specific Customer Credit Card record by CustomerCCID

POST api/customercc

Creates a new Customer Credit Card record. A Customer record must exist in order to create a Credit Card record.

PUT api/customercc/{id}

Update a specific Customer Credit Card record by CustomerCCID


Allows views only of Customer Check records

GET api/customercheck/{id}

Returns a specified Customer Check by DepositCheckId

GET api/customercheck/{id}/{option}

Returns a set of Customer Check records based on the option parameter. The id parameter may or may not be used. Possible values for the option parameter are: 'ByCustomerId' - all check records for Customer where id = customerId.

GET api/customercheck

Returns the last 10 records inserted into the ACH table (for testing purposes only; this operation may be disabled in production.)


Allows inserts, updates and views of Customer Contact address records; a customer can have multiple contact records

GET api/customercontact/{id}

Returns a specific Customer Contact record by CustomerContactID

GET api/customercontact/{id}/{option}

Returns a set of Customer Contact records based on the option parameter. The id parameter may or may not be used. Possible values for the option parameter are: 'ByCustomerId' - all billing records for Customer where id = customerId, ...

PUT api/customercontact/{id}

Update a specific customer contact record by CustomerContactID

GET api/CustomerContact

Returns the last 10 records inserted into the Customer Contact table (for testing purposes only; this operation may be disabled in production.)

POST api/CustomerContact

Creates a new Customer Contact record. A Customer record must exist in order to create a Contact. In addition, either a Site or Billing Address (or both) record must exist.


Allows inserts and views of Customer Credit records.

GET api/customercredit/{id}/{option}

Returns a set of Customer Credit records based on the option parameter. The id parameter may or may not be used. Possible values for the option parameter are: 'ByCustomerId' - all Credit records for Customer where id = customerId, 'ByCustomerNumber' - all Credit records for Customer where id = CustomerNumber, ...

GET api/customercredit/{id1}/{option}/{id2}

Returns a set of Customer Credit records based on the option parameter. The id2 parameter may or may not be used. Possible values for the option parameter are: 'ForInvoice' - Creates a new credit where id1 = InvoiceID to which a full credit will be applied; id2 = CreditReasonID (from AR_Credit_Reason)

GET api/customercredit

Returns the last 10 records inserted into the Customer Credit table (for testing purposes only; this operation may be disabled in production.)

GET api/customercredit/{id}

Returns a specific Customer Credit record by CustomerCreditID

POST api/customercredit

Creates a Credit record.

GET api/customercredit?id={id}

Returns a specific Customer Credit record by CustomerCreditID


Allows inserts and views of Customer Credit Detail records (for applying a credit to an invoice).

GET api/CustomerCreditDetail/{id}

Returns a specific Customer Credit Detail record by CustomerCreditDetailID

POST api/CustomerCreditDetail

Creates a Credit Detail record. The Credit must exist prior to creation of the detail record.


Allows inserts, updates and views of CustomerEquipment records

POST api/customerequipment/search

Returns a list of Customer Equipment using the CustomerEquipmentSearch object

GET api/CustomerEquipment

Returns the last 10 records inserted into the AR_Customer_Equipment table (for testing purposes only; this operation may be disabled in production.)

GET api/CustomerEquipment/{id}

Returns a specific CustomerEquipment record by CustomerEquipmentID

POST api/CustomerEquipment

Creates a new CustomerEquipment record.

PUT api/CustomerEquipment/{id}

Update a specific CustomerEquipment record by CustomerEquipmentID


Allows views only of Customer Group records

GET api/customergroup

Returns all Customer Groups

GET api/customergroup/{id}

Returns the specified Customer Group


Allows inserts and views of Customer Invoice records.

GET api/customerinvoice/{id}

Returns a specific Customer Invoice record by CustomerInvoiceID

GET api/customerinvoice/{id}/{option}

Returns a set of Customer Invoice records based on the option parameter. The id parameter may or may not be used. Possible values for the option parameter are: 'ByCustomerId' - all Invoice records for Customer where id = customerId, ... 'OpenBalance' - all Invoice records for Customer where id = customerId and Net_Due > 0, ...

GET api/customerinvoice/{id}/{option}/{id2}/{option2}

Returns a set of Customer Invoice records based on the id and option parameters. The id parameter is the CustomerID. Possible values for the option parameter are: 'CategoryInclude' - Invoice records where id2 = categoryId (from the AR_Category table), 'CategoryExclude' - Invoice records where id2 = categoryId (from the AR_Category table), ... Possible values for the option2 parameter are: 'OpenBalance' - Invoice records where Net_Due is positive, ...

GET api/CustomerInvoice

Returns the last 10 records inserted into the Customer Invoice table (for testing purposes only; this operation may be disabled in production.)

POST api/CustomerInvoice

Creates an Invoice record. Customer, Bill Address, and Site records must exist in order to create an Invoice.


GET api/customernote/{id}/{option}

Returns a set of Customer Note records based on the option parameter. The id parameter may or may not be used. Possible values for the option parameter are: 'ByCustomerId' - all note records for Customer where id = customerId, 'ByCustomerNumber' - all note records for Customer where id = CustomerNumber,...

GET api/CustomerNote

GET api/CustomerNote/{id}

POST api/CustomerNote


Creates a Customer Payment record for a specified customer

GET api/customerpayment/{id}

Returns a specific payment record by DepositCheckID

POST api/customerpayment/search

Retrieve all CustomerPayments by CustomerNumber and other optional parameters

POST api/customerpayment

Creates a CustomerPayment record for a specified customer


Allows inserts, updates and views of Customer Recurring records; a customer can have multiple recurring records.

GET api/customerrecurring/{id}/{option}

Returns a set of Customer Recurring records based on the option parameter. The id parameter may or may not be used. Possible values for the option parameter are: 'ByCustomerId' - all recurring records for Customer where id = customerId, 'ByCustomerNumber' - all recurring records for Customer where id = CustomerNumber, 'ByCustomerSystem' - all recurring records for CustomerSystem where id = CustomerSsystemId, ...

POST api/customerrecurring/{id}/{option}

Updates the Recurring Rate (Effective Date, Reason for increase/decrease, and Monthly/Cycle Amounts) by CustomerRecurringID; also used to cancel a recurring record

GET api/customerrecurring

Returns the last 10 records inserted into the Customer Recurring table (for testing purposes only; this operation may be disabled in production.)

GET api/customerrecurring/{id}

Returns a specific Customer Recurring record by CustomerRecurringID

POST api/customerrecurring

Creates a new Customer Recurring record. Customer, Site, and System records must exist in order to create a Recurring record.

PUT api/customerrecurring/{id}

Updates a specific customer recurring record by CustomerRecurringID; only the following fields can be updated: Recurring Item Code, Description, Master Item Code, Bill Cycle, and Memo. To update all other fields, cancel and recreate the recur line.


POST api/CustomerRecurringProrate

Returns the credit amount and the total prorated bill amount for the recurring change. The change can be committed by setting the commit parameter of the CustomerRecurringProrate model to true.


Allows inserts, updates and views of Customer Site records.

GET api/customersite/{id}/{option}

Returns a set of Customer Site records based on the option parameter. The id parameter may or may not be used. Possible values for the option parameter are: 'ByCustomerId' - all site records for Customer where id = customerId, 'ByCustomerNumber' - all site records for Customer where id = Customer_Number

GET api/customersite

Returns the last 10 records inserted into the Customer Site table (for testing purposes only; this operation may be disabled in production.)

GET api/customersite/{id}

Returns a specific Customer Site record by CustomerSiteID

POST api/customersite

Creates a new Customer Site record. A Customer record must exist in order to create a Site.

PUT api/customersite/{id}

Update a specific customer site record by CustomerSiteID

DELETE api/customersite/{id}

Deactivates specified site.


Allows inserts, updates and views of Customer System records. A customer can have multiple system records.

POST api/customersystem/find

Returns a single CustomerSystem object based on the filter criteria.

POST api/customersystem/findmatching

Returns a list of matching CustomerSystem records based on the filter criteria at the customer, site and system levels.

POST api/customersystem/SystemSearch

Search Systems by system number. Acts as a contains system number. So System 123, and system 1234, if you search for 12 it would bring both systems back. EmergencyContacts are not included at this time.

GET api/customersystem

Returns the last 10 records inserted into the Customer System table (for testing purposes only; this operation may be disabled in production.)

GET api/customersystem/{id}

Returns a specific Customer System record by CustomerSystemID

GET api/customersystem/{id}?option={option}

Returns a set of Customer System records based on the option parameter. The id parameter may or may not be used. Possible values for the option parameter are: 'ByCustomerId' - all system records for Customer where id = customerId, 'ByCustomerNumber' - all system records for Customer where id = CustomerNumber, 'ByCustomerSite' - all system records for Customer where id = customerSiteId...

POST api/customersystem

Creates a new Customer System record. Customer and Site records must exist in order to create a System.

PUT api/customersystem/{id}

PUT operation for updating an existing Customer System

DELETE api/customersystem/{id}

Deactivates specified system.

GET api/customersystem/{id}/{option}

Returns a set of Customer System records based on the option parameter. The id parameter may or may not be used. Possible values for the option parameter are: 'ByCustomerId' - all system records for Customer where id = customerId, 'ByCustomerNumber' - all system records for Customer where id = CustomerNumber, 'ByCustomerSite' - all system records for Customer where id = customerSiteId...


Allows the retrieval of one or all of the Relations from the SS_Relation table

GET api/CustomerSystemCallListRelation

GET api/CustomerSystemCallListRelation/{id}


Will swap out a ssytem for a new one with the same information. All recurrings associated with the system will be cancelled and recreated for the new system.

POST api/CustomerSystemSwap

Creates a new Customer Recurring record. Customer, Site, and System records must exist in order to create a Recurring record.


Allows inserts, updates and views of Customer System Userdef records.

GET api/CustomerSystemUserdef

Returns the last 10 records inserted into the Customer System Userdef table (for testing purposes only; this operation may be disabled in production.)

GET api/CustomerSystemUserdef/{id}

Returns a specific Customer System Userdef record by CustomerUserdefID

POST api/CustomerSystemUserdef

The CustomerSystem record must already exist, and there cannot be an existing System Userdef record.

PUT api/CustomerSystemUserdef/{id}

Update a specific Customer System Userdef record by CustomerID (CustomerUserdefID not required since there is only one Userdef record per Customer)


Allows views only of Customer Type records

GET api/customertype

Returns all Customer Types

GET api/customertype/{id}

Returns the specified Customer Type


GET api/customerunappliedcash/{id}/{option}

Returns a set of Customer Unapplied Cash records based on the option parameter. The id parameter may or may not be used. Possible values for the option parameter are: 'ByCustomerId' - all Unapplied Cash records for Customer where id = customerId, 'ByCustomerNumber' - all Unapplied Cash records for Customer where id = CustomerNumber, ...


Allows inserts, updates and views of Customer Userdef records.

GET api/customeruserdef/{id}/{option}

Returns the Customer Userdef record by CustomerId. Possible values for the option parameter are: 'ByCustomerId' - get the Userdef record (only one) for a specific Customer where id = customerId

GET api/customeruserdef

Returns the last 10 records inserted into the Customer Userdef table (for testing purposes only; this operation may be disabled in production.)

GET api/customeruserdef/{id}

Returns a specific Customer Userdef record by CustomerUserdefID

POST api/customeruserdef

A blank Userdef record is created automatically when the Customer is created, so this is only needed to generate a missing Userdef record. The Customer record must already exist, and there cannot be an existing Userdef record.

PUT api/customeruserdef/{id}

Update a specific customer userdef record by CustomerID (CustomerUserdefID not required since there is only one Userdef record per Customer)


Read-only access to both Job Dispatch and Service Dispatch records. The two list of records are unified into one, to provide a combined list for both job nad service ticket dispatch records. This reduces the number of calls to the API and the load on the Sedona server.

GET api/dispatch/{id}

Returns a list of any job or service ticket where the Dispatch_Id = id. This can possible be more than one record since a record in both the OE_Job_Dispatch and SV_Service_Ticket_Dispatch tables can both have a record with the same id.

GET api/dispatch/{id}/{option}

Returns a list of combined Job and Service Ticket Dispatch records by id and option, where id is the unique identifier for a given option; valid options are: "byreference", "byservicetechid", "byservicetechcode", "bydaterange" For example, when the option is "byservicetechcode", then id respresents the Employee_Code in the SY_Eployee table. The option "bydaterange" use the following format for id to represent (StartDate-EndDate): YYYYMMDD-YYYYMMDD

PUT api/dispatch/{id}

Allows a limited set of fields to be updated. You must specify both the DispatchId and the DispatchType in order for the correct record to be updated.

GET api/Dispatch

Returns all the combined job and service tickets in a date range specified by the config app setting "dispatchDayRange", This number of days is added and substracted to the current to establish the date range. Defaults to 7 if not specified in the web.config file.

POST api/Dispatch

Returns a list of combined Job and Service Ticket Dispatch records filtered by values in the DispatchSearch object


GET api/DocumentType

Returns all Document Types from SY_Document_Types table in the SedonaDocuments database


GET api/employee/{id}

Returns a specific Employee record by EployeeId

POST api/employee

Returns a set of Employee records based on the EmployeeSearch parameter.


Read-only access to IN_Inventory records. These records are updated in the background via other API calls.

GET api/inventory/{id1}?id={id}

Returns inventory for a specific InventoryID record

GET api/inventory/{id1}/{id2}/{option}

Returns inventory base on the following option values: "bycodes" - WarehouseCode (id1), PartCode (id2), this is also the default if option is left out "bywarehouse" - WarehouseCode (id1), id2 will be ignored but needs a place holder (use zero), "bypart" = id1 will be ignored but needs a place holder (use zero), PartCode (id2)

GET api/inventory

Returns inventory for all Warehouses


Allows views only of Item records

GET api/item

Returns all Items

GET api/item/{id}

Returns the specified Item


GET api/job

Returns the last 10 records inserted into the OE_Job table (for testing purposes only; this operation may be disabled in production.)

GET api/job/{id}

Returns a specific Job record by JobId

GET api/job/{id}/{option}

Returns a set of Job records based on the option parameter. The id parameter may or may not be used. Possible values for the option parameter are: 'ByCustomerId' - all job records for Customer where id = customerId, 'ByCustomerNumber' - all job records for Customer where id = CustomerNumber,...

GET api/job/status

Returns a list of Job Stati

GET api/job/type

Returns a list of Job Types

POST api/job

Returns a set of Job records based on the JobSearch parameter.

PUT api/Job/{id}

Update a specific Job record by JobId


Allows views and updates of existing Job Dispatch records

GET api/jobdispatch/{id}/{option}

Returns Job Dispatch record by id and option, where id is the unique identifier for a given option; valid options are: "byserviceticketid", "byservicetechid", "byserviceticketnumber", "byservicetechcode" For example, when the option is "byservicetechcode", then id respresents the Employee_Code in the SY_Eployee table. Results are also limited to days

PUT api/jobdispatch/{id}

Update a specific Job Dispatch record by DispatchID

GET api/JobDispatch

Returns today's Job Dispatches

GET api/JobDispatch/{id}

Returns a specific Job Dispatch record by DispatchID

POST api/JobDispatch

Creates a Job Dispatch record.


Allows files related to Job to be uploaded and stored in the Sedona Documents database

POST api/JobDocument

File must be encoded in the JSON request. Only one file can be submitted per request.

PUT api/JobDocument/{id}

DELETE api/JobDocument/{id}

Removes the specified Job Document from the SedonaDocuments database


Represents a Job Note in the OE_Job_Notes table. There is not always a direct correlation between the members of this class and the fields in the table. The API works with stored procedures to add information into the database.

POST api/JobNote

Creates a Note on a Job


Allows the creation on a Part Part record. Inventory will be updated automatically.

POST api/JobPart

Creates a Part on a Job


POST api/JobQueue

No documentation available.


GET api/jobs/{id}

Returns a specific Job record by JobId

POST api/jobs

Adds a job record with job system and parts


GET api/jobtimesheet/{id}

PUT api/jobtimesheet/{id}

DELETE api/jobtimesheet/{id}

GET api/JobTimesheet/{ID}?option={option}

POST api/JobTimesheet


GET api/LaborTask


Allows views only of Master Account records; adding a Master Account is done via Customer (a Master Account is just a special type of customer)

GET api/masteraccount

Returns all Master Accounts

GET api/masteraccount/{id}

Returns the specified Master Account

PUT api/masteraccount/{id}

Update a specific Master Account record by MasterAccountID


Allows views only of Panel Type records

GET api/paneltype

Returns all Panel Types

GET api/paneltype/{id}

Returns the specified Panel Type


Allows views only of Part records

GET api/Part

Returns all Parts

GET api/Part/{id}

Returns the specified Part


GET api/prospect/{id}/{option}

Returns a set of Prospect records based on the option parameter. The id parameter may or may not be used. Possible values for the option parameter are: 'BySalepersonCode' - all prospect records for salesperson where id = SalepersonCode, 'BySalesDepartmentCode' - all prospects records for a sales department where id = SalesDepartmentCode,...

GET api/Prospect

Returns the last 10 records inserted into the SM_Prospect table (for testing purposes only; this operation may be disabled in production.)

GET api/Prospect/{id}

Returns a specific Prospect record by ProspectId

PUT api/Prospect/{id}

POST api/Prospect


POST api/purchaseorder/search

Get a list of Purchase Orders by search criteria

GET api/PurchaseOrder

GET api/PurchaseOrder/{id}

Get a specific Purchase order by PurchaseOrderID

POST api/PurchaseOrder

PUT api/PurchaseOrder/{id}


GET api/PurchaseOrderExpense/{id}

POST api/PurchaseOrderExpense

PUT api/PurchaseOrderExpense/{id}

DELETE api/PurchaseOrderExpense/{id}


GET api/PurchaseOrderPart/{id}

POST api/PurchaseOrderPart

PUT api/PurchaseOrderPart/{id}


Allows views only of RMR Reason records

GET api/rmrreason

Returns all RMR Reasons

GET api/rmrreason/{id}

Returns the specified RMR Reason


Allows views only of Salesperson (Employee) records

GET api/salesperson

Returns all Salespeople

GET api/salesperson/{id}

Returns the specified Salesperson


POST api/SedonaDocument

Files must be included in a multiplart-MIME format request. Only one file can be submitted per request. The SedonaDocument model / data must be added in the header as an example: X-JsonData: {DocumentId: "1", CustomerId: "8", DocumentType: "eForms", UserCode: "PerennialSoftware", UserDescription: "From eForms", SedonaDocumentEnum: "1" } If a SystemId is set > 1, the api will validate and obtain the correct Ids for Customer and Site.

DELETE api/SedonaDocument/{id}?sedonaDocumentEnum={sedonaDocumentEnum}

Delete a sedona document


Allows views only of Service Company records

GET api/servicecompany/{id}/{option}

Returns a set of Service Company records based on the option parameter. The id parameter may or may not be used. Possible values for the option parameter are: 'ByCode' - service company record where id = ServiceCompanyCode,

GET api/servicecompany

Returns all Service Companies

GET api/servicecompany/{id}

Returns the specified Service Company


Allows files related to Service Tickets to be uploaded and stored in the Sedona Documents database

POST api/ServiceDocument

File must be encoded in the JSON request. Only one file can be submitted per request.

PUT api/ServiceDocument/{id}

DELETE api/ServiceDocument/{id}

Removes the specified Service Ticket Document from the SedonaDocuments database


Allows views only of Service Level records

GET api/servicelevel

Returns all Service Levels

GET api/servicelevel/{id}

Returns the specified Service Level


GET api/ServiceProblem

Returns all the records in the SV_Problem table expect the default record

GET api/ServiceProblem/{id}

Returns the specified Service Problem


GET api/ServiceResolution


Allows views only of ServiceTech (Employee) records

GET api/servicetech/{id}/{option}

Returns a set of Service Tech records based on the option parameter. The id parameter may or may not be used. Possible values for the option parameter are: 'ByServiceCompanyID' - service tech record where id = ServiceCompanyID, 'ByServiceCompanyCode' - service tech record where id = ServiceCompanyCode,

POST api/servicetech/absences

Get a list of Service Tech absences by search criteria

GET api/ServiceTech

Returns all the records in the SV_Service_Tech table expect the default record

GET api/ServiceTech/{id}

Returns the specified Service Technician


POST api/serviceticket/search

No documentation available.

GET api/ServiceTicket

No documentation available.

GET api/ServiceTicket/{id}

No documentation available.

PUT api/ServiceTicket/{id}

No documentation available.

POST api/ServiceTicket

No documentation available.


Allows views and updates of existing Service Dispatch records

GET api/serviceticketdispatch/{id}

Returns a specific Service Ticket Dispatch record by DispatchID

GET api/serviceticketdispatch/{id}/{option}

Returns Service Ticket Dispatch records by id and option, where id is the unique identifier for a given option; valid options are: "byserviceticketid", "byservicetechid", "byserviceticketnumber", "byservicetechcode" For example, when the option is "byservicetechcode", then id respresents the Employee_Code in the SY_Eployee table

PUT api/serviceticketdispatch/{id}

Updates an existing Service Ticket Dispatch record

GET api/ServiceTicketDispatch

Returns today's Service Ticket dispatches

POST api/ServiceTicketDispatch


Allows the view and creation of a single Service Ticket Note record

GET api/ServiceTicketNote/{id}

Returns a specific Service Ticket Note record by NoteID

POST api/ServiceTicketNote

Creates a Service Ticket Note


Allows the creation on a Service Ticket Part record. Inventory will be updated automatically.

GET api/ServiceTicketPart/{id}

POST api/ServiceTicketPart

Creates a Service Ticket Part

PUT api/ServiceTicketPart/{id}

Update a specific Service Ticket Part record by ServiceTicketPartId A successful delete while return status code 204 (No Content). Not object is returned unless there is an error.

DELETE api/ServiceTicketPart/{id}

Deletes a specific Service Ticket Part record by ServiceTicketPartId. A successful delete while return status code 204 (No Content). Not object is returned unless there is an error.


Allows views only of System Type records

GET api/systemtype

Returns all System Types

GET api/systemtype/{id}

Returns the specified System Type


Allows views only of Taxing Group records

GET api/taxinggroup

Returns all Taxing Groups

GET api/taxinggroup/{id}

Returns the specified Taxing Group


Allows views only of Payment Terms records

GET api/term

Returns all Terms

GET api/term/{id}

Returns the specified Term


Creates an Unapplied Cash Detail record for a specified customer

GET api/unappliedcashdetail/{id}

Returns a specific record by UnappliedCashDetailID

POST api/UnappliedCashDetail

Creates an Unapplied Cash Detail record


User defined controller customizable for client's needs, contact Perennial Software for details

GET api/Userdef1

GET api/Userdef1/{id}

PUT api/Userdef1/{id}

POST api/Userdef1


Allows views only of Vendor records

GET api/vendor/type

Returns all Vendor Types

GET api/Vendor

Returns all Vendors

GET api/Vendor/{id}

Returns the specified Vendor


Allows files related to Vendors to be uploaded and stored in the Sedona Documents database

POST api/VendorDocument

File must be encoded (base64) in the JSON request. Only one file can be submitted per request.

PUT api/VendorDocument/{id}

DELETE api/VendorDocument/{id}

Removes the specified Vendor Ticket Document from the SedonaDocuments database


Get the current SedonaOffice Version

GET api/Version

Returns the Version


Allows views only of Warehouse records

GET api/warehouse

Returns all Warehouses

GET api/warehouse/{id}

Returns the specified Warehouse


Allows views only of Warranty records

GET api/warranty

Returns all Warranties

GET api/warranty/{id}

Returns the specified Warranty


Creates a WS Account record for logging into SedonaWeb

GET api/WSAccount/{id}

POST api/WSAccount

No documentation available.