POST api/Dispatch
Returns a list of combined Job and Service Ticket Dispatch records filtered by values in the DispatchSearch object
Request Information
URI Parameters
Body Parameters
DispatchSearchName | Description | Type | Additional information |
RowGuid | globally unique identifier |
None. |
DispatchType |
Type of dispatch: TKT for service tickets, JOB for jobs. Text is not case sensitive. |
string |
None. |
Status |
Status of either the Job or the Service Ticket the dispatch is associated with |
string |
None. |
DispatchStatus |
Status of the dispatch related to the dispatch, arrival, and departure times. Possible values are: undispatched, dispatched, arrived, and departed |
string |
None. |
ServiceTechId |
Service_Tech_Id from SV_Service_Tech table |
integer |
None. |
EmployeeId |
Foreign Key Employee_Id from SY_Employee table |
integer |
None. |
ServiceTechCode |
Employee_Code from SY_Employee table |
string |
None. |
StartTime |
Starting schedule time (dates without a specific time will use 12:00 AM for the time) |
date |
None. |
EndTime |
Ending schedule time (dates without a specific time will use 12:00 AM for the time) |
date |
None. |
Request Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "RowGuid": "41ab702e-d829-4c2d-a7ce-62b9a58a27a4", "DispatchType": "sample string 1", "Status": "sample string 2", "DispatchStatus": "sample string 3", "ServiceTechId": 1, "EmployeeId": 1, "ServiceTechCode": "sample string 4", "StartTime": "2025-01-05T15:26:44.1362862-06:00", "EndTime": "2025-01-05T15:26:44.1362862-06:00" }
application/xml, text/xml
<DispatchSearch xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <DispatchStatus>sample string 3</DispatchStatus> <DispatchType>sample string 1</DispatchType> <EmployeeId>1</EmployeeId> <EndTime>2025-01-05T15:26:44.1362862-06:00</EndTime> <RowGuid>41ab702e-d829-4c2d-a7ce-62b9a58a27a4</RowGuid> <ServiceTechCode>sample string 4</ServiceTechCode> <ServiceTechId>1</ServiceTechId> <StartTime>2025-01-05T15:26:44.1362862-06:00</StartTime> <Status>sample string 2</Status> </DispatchSearch>
Response Information
Resource Description
Collection of DispatchName | Description | Type | Additional information |
DispatchId |
Sedona internal autonumber for the Dispatch record. This will not be unique becuase it's being pulled from two different tables (OE_JOb_Disaptch and SV_Service) |
integer |
None. |
DispatchType |
Type of dispatch: TKT for service tickets, JOB for jobs. Text is not case sensitive. Use in conjunction with DispatchId to create a composite key or use RowGuid instead |
string |
None. |
RowGuid |
Unique record identifier. The DispatchId is a combination of two tables (OE_JOb_Disaptch and SV_Service) and will not be unique. |
globally unique identifier |
None. |
Reference |
Job_Code from OE_Job table and/or Ticket_Number for SV_Service_Ticket table |
string |
None. |
Status |
Status of the dispatch |
string |
None. |
Description |
Description |
string |
None. |
ServiceTechCode |
Employee_Code from SY_Employee table; cannot change the Service Tech (must cancel and add new) |
string |
None. |
ServiceTechId |
EmployeeId from SY_Employee table; cannot change the Service Tech (must cancel and add new) |
integer |
None. |
CompanyCode | string |
None. |
ScheduleTime | date |
None. |
ScheduleTimeUtc |
Only used when useUtcOffset is set to "1" in the web.config file |
date |
None. |
DispatchTime | date |
None. |
DispatchTimeUtc |
Only used when useUtcOffset is set to "1" in the web.config file |
date |
None. |
ArrivalTime | date |
None. |
ArrivalTimeUtc |
Only used when useUtcOffset is set to "1" in the web.config file |
date |
None. |
DepartureTime | date |
None. |
DepartureTimeUtc |
Only used when useUtcOffset is set to "1" in the web.config file |
date |
None. |
EstimatedLength | integer |
None. |
SiteName | string |
None. |
Address1 | string |
None. |
Address2 | string |
None. |
Address3 | string |
None. |
City | string |
None. |
State | string |
None. |
ZipCode | string |
None. |
JobTask | string |
None. |
Complete | string |
None. |
TicketPriority | string |
None. |
TicketGoBack | string |
None. |
ResolutionCode | string |
None. |
ResolutionNote | string |
None. |
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
[ { "DispatchId": 1, "DispatchType": "sample string 2", "RowGuid": "2727cb54-f523-4bbb-8a3f-da9dcc837689", "Reference": "sample string 3", "Status": "sample string 4", "Description": "sample string 5", "ServiceTechCode": "sample string 6", "ServiceTechId": 7, "CompanyCode": "sample string 8", "ScheduleTime": "2025-01-05T15:26:44.1519149-06:00", "ScheduleTimeUtc": "2025-01-05T15:26:44.1519149-06:00", "DispatchTime": "2025-01-05T15:26:44.1519149-06:00", "DispatchTimeUtc": "2025-01-05T15:26:44.1519149-06:00", "ArrivalTime": "2025-01-05T15:26:44.1519149-06:00", "ArrivalTimeUtc": "2025-01-05T15:26:44.1519149-06:00", "DepartureTime": "2025-01-05T15:26:44.1519149-06:00", "DepartureTimeUtc": "2025-01-05T15:26:44.1519149-06:00", "EstimatedLength": 9, "SiteName": "sample string 10", "Address1": "sample string 11", "Address2": "sample string 12", "Address3": "sample string 13", "City": "sample string 14", "State": "sample string 15", "ZipCode": "sample string 16", "JobTask": "sample string 17", "Complete": "sample string 18", "TicketPriority": "sample string 19", "TicketGoBack": "sample string 20", "ResolutionCode": "sample string 21", "ResolutionNote": "sample string 22" }, { "DispatchId": 1, "DispatchType": "sample string 2", "RowGuid": "2727cb54-f523-4bbb-8a3f-da9dcc837689", "Reference": "sample string 3", "Status": "sample string 4", "Description": "sample string 5", "ServiceTechCode": "sample string 6", "ServiceTechId": 7, "CompanyCode": "sample string 8", "ScheduleTime": "2025-01-05T15:26:44.1519149-06:00", "ScheduleTimeUtc": "2025-01-05T15:26:44.1519149-06:00", "DispatchTime": "2025-01-05T15:26:44.1519149-06:00", "DispatchTimeUtc": "2025-01-05T15:26:44.1519149-06:00", "ArrivalTime": "2025-01-05T15:26:44.1519149-06:00", "ArrivalTimeUtc": "2025-01-05T15:26:44.1519149-06:00", "DepartureTime": "2025-01-05T15:26:44.1519149-06:00", "DepartureTimeUtc": "2025-01-05T15:26:44.1519149-06:00", "EstimatedLength": 9, "SiteName": "sample string 10", "Address1": "sample string 11", "Address2": "sample string 12", "Address3": "sample string 13", "City": "sample string 14", "State": "sample string 15", "ZipCode": "sample string 16", "JobTask": "sample string 17", "Complete": "sample string 18", "TicketPriority": "sample string 19", "TicketGoBack": "sample string 20", "ResolutionCode": "sample string 21", "ResolutionNote": "sample string 22" } ]
application/xml, text/xml
<ArrayOfDispatch xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <Dispatch> <Address1>sample string 11</Address1> <Address2>sample string 12</Address2> <Address3>sample string 13</Address3> <ArrivalTime>2025-01-05T15:26:44.1519149-06:00</ArrivalTime> <ArrivalTimeUtc xmlns:d3p1=""> <d3p1:DateTime>2025-01-05T21:26:44.1519149Z</d3p1:DateTime> <d3p1:OffsetMinutes>-360</d3p1:OffsetMinutes> </ArrivalTimeUtc> <City>sample string 14</City> <CompanyCode>sample string 8</CompanyCode> <Complete>sample string 18</Complete> <DepartureTime>2025-01-05T15:26:44.1519149-06:00</DepartureTime> <DepartureTimeUtc xmlns:d3p1=""> <d3p1:DateTime>2025-01-05T21:26:44.1519149Z</d3p1:DateTime> <d3p1:OffsetMinutes>-360</d3p1:OffsetMinutes> </DepartureTimeUtc> <Description>sample string 5</Description> <DispatchId>1</DispatchId> <DispatchTime>2025-01-05T15:26:44.1519149-06:00</DispatchTime> <DispatchTimeUtc xmlns:d3p1=""> <d3p1:DateTime>2025-01-05T21:26:44.1519149Z</d3p1:DateTime> <d3p1:OffsetMinutes>-360</d3p1:OffsetMinutes> </DispatchTimeUtc> <DispatchType>sample string 2</DispatchType> <EstimatedLength>9</EstimatedLength> <JobTask>sample string 17</JobTask> <Reference>sample string 3</Reference> <ResolutionCode>sample string 21</ResolutionCode> <ResolutionNote>sample string 22</ResolutionNote> <RowGuid>2727cb54-f523-4bbb-8a3f-da9dcc837689</RowGuid> <ScheduleTime>2025-01-05T15:26:44.1519149-06:00</ScheduleTime> <ScheduleTimeUtc xmlns:d3p1=""> <d3p1:DateTime>2025-01-05T21:26:44.1519149Z</d3p1:DateTime> <d3p1:OffsetMinutes>-360</d3p1:OffsetMinutes> </ScheduleTimeUtc> <ServiceTechCode>sample string 6</ServiceTechCode> <ServiceTechId>7</ServiceTechId> <SiteName>sample string 10</SiteName> <State>sample string 15</State> <Status>sample string 4</Status> <TicketGoBack>sample string 20</TicketGoBack> <TicketPriority>sample string 19</TicketPriority> <ZipCode>sample string 16</ZipCode> </Dispatch> <Dispatch> <Address1>sample string 11</Address1> <Address2>sample string 12</Address2> <Address3>sample string 13</Address3> <ArrivalTime>2025-01-05T15:26:44.1519149-06:00</ArrivalTime> <ArrivalTimeUtc xmlns:d3p1=""> <d3p1:DateTime>2025-01-05T21:26:44.1519149Z</d3p1:DateTime> <d3p1:OffsetMinutes>-360</d3p1:OffsetMinutes> </ArrivalTimeUtc> <City>sample string 14</City> <CompanyCode>sample string 8</CompanyCode> <Complete>sample string 18</Complete> <DepartureTime>2025-01-05T15:26:44.1519149-06:00</DepartureTime> <DepartureTimeUtc xmlns:d3p1=""> <d3p1:DateTime>2025-01-05T21:26:44.1519149Z</d3p1:DateTime> <d3p1:OffsetMinutes>-360</d3p1:OffsetMinutes> </DepartureTimeUtc> <Description>sample string 5</Description> <DispatchId>1</DispatchId> <DispatchTime>2025-01-05T15:26:44.1519149-06:00</DispatchTime> <DispatchTimeUtc xmlns:d3p1=""> <d3p1:DateTime>2025-01-05T21:26:44.1519149Z</d3p1:DateTime> <d3p1:OffsetMinutes>-360</d3p1:OffsetMinutes> </DispatchTimeUtc> <DispatchType>sample string 2</DispatchType> <EstimatedLength>9</EstimatedLength> <JobTask>sample string 17</JobTask> <Reference>sample string 3</Reference> <ResolutionCode>sample string 21</ResolutionCode> <ResolutionNote>sample string 22</ResolutionNote> <RowGuid>2727cb54-f523-4bbb-8a3f-da9dcc837689</RowGuid> <ScheduleTime>2025-01-05T15:26:44.1519149-06:00</ScheduleTime> <ScheduleTimeUtc xmlns:d3p1=""> <d3p1:DateTime>2025-01-05T21:26:44.1519149Z</d3p1:DateTime> <d3p1:OffsetMinutes>-360</d3p1:OffsetMinutes> </ScheduleTimeUtc> <ServiceTechCode>sample string 6</ServiceTechCode> <ServiceTechId>7</ServiceTechId> <SiteName>sample string 10</SiteName> <State>sample string 15</State> <Status>sample string 4</Status> <TicketGoBack>sample string 20</TicketGoBack> <TicketPriority>sample string 19</TicketPriority> <ZipCode>sample string 16</ZipCode> </Dispatch> </ArrayOfDispatch>