PUT api/ServiceTicket/{id}
Request Information
URI Parameters
Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
id | integer |
Required |
Body Parameters
ServiceTicketName | Description | Type | Additional information |
ServiceTicketId |
Sedona internal autonumber for the Service Ticket record (SV_Service_Ticket table); required for PUT (updates) |
integer |
None. |
TicketStatus |
Two letter code of status where: CL = Closed, DP = Dispatched, IP = In Progress, OP = Open, RS = Resolved, SC = Scheduled |
string |
Required |
TicketStatusName |
Full name of status where: CL = Closed, DP = Dispatched, IP = In Progress, OP = Open, RS = Resolved, SC = Scheduled |
string |
None. |
TicketNumber |
Service Ticket Number; will be created when adding a new service ticket; |
integer |
None. |
CustomerId |
Foreign key from AR_Customer table |
integer |
Required |
CustomerNumber |
Customer_Number field from the AR_Customer table |
string |
None. |
CustomerName |
Customer_Name field from the AR_Customer table |
string |
None. |
SiteName |
Site Name |
string |
None. |
CustomerSiteId |
Foreign key from AR_Customer_Site table |
integer |
Required |
City | string |
None. |
State | string |
None. |
CustomerSiteAddress |
Site information from the AR_Customer_Site table |
string |
None. |
CustomerSystemId |
Foreign key from AR_Customer_System table |
integer |
Required |
AlarmAccount |
Alarm_Account field from the AR_Customer_System table |
string |
None. |
SystemCode |
Value from SY_System table; must be a valid value, and cannot be set to N/A; list of valid options can be retrieved from GET: api/systemtype |
string |
None. |
MultipleSystems |
Designates whether there are multiple systems; defaults to false |
boolean |
None. |
CreationDate |
Date the Service Ticket was created |
date |
None. |
RequestedBy |
Name of the person who requested the ticket |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 200 |
RequestedByPhone |
Phone number of the person who requested the ticket |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 15 |
RequestedByPhoneExt | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 5 |
AutoNotify |
Email to notify |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 320 |
ProblemCode |
Value from SV_Problem table; list of valid options can be retrieved from GET: api/serviceproblem |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 25 |
SubProblemCode |
Value from SV_Problem table; list of valid options can be retrieved from GET: api/serviceproblem |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 25 |
ScheduledFor |
Date/time the service ticket is scheduled for |
date |
None. |
ServiceTechCode |
Value of Employee_Code from SY_Employee table referenced by the SV_Service_Tech table; list of valid options can be retrieved from GET: api/servicetech |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 25 |
EstimatedLength |
Estimated length of the appointment in minutes (i.e. 30, 60, etc.) |
integer |
None. |
ResolutionCode |
Value from OE_Resolution table; set to N/A if not applicable; list of valid options can be retrieved from GET: api/resolution |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 25 |
Billable |
The service ticket is billable |
boolean |
None. |
Billed |
The service ticket has been billed |
boolean |
None. |
EquipmentCharge |
Equipment Charge |
decimal number |
None. |
LaborCharge |
Labor Charge |
decimal number |
None. |
OtherCharge |
Other Charge |
decimal number |
None. |
TaxTotal |
Tax Total |
decimal number |
None. |
CustomerComments |
Customer Comments |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 255 |
RegularHours |
Regular Hours |
decimal number |
None. |
OvertimeHours |
Overtime Hours |
decimal number |
None. |
HolidayHours |
Holiday Hours |
decimal number |
None. |
TripCharge |
Trip Charge |
decimal number |
None. |
InvoiceNumber |
Value from SV_Problem table; Note: This is not the InvoiceId |
integer |
None. |
RegularRate |
Regular Rate on this ticket |
decimal number |
None. |
OvertimeRate |
Overtime Rate on this ticket |
decimal number |
None. |
HolidayRate |
Holiday Rate on this ticket |
decimal number |
None. |
BypassWarranty |
By-pass any warranties |
boolean |
None. |
BypassServiceLevel |
By-pass the service service level |
boolean |
None. |
IsInspection |
The service ticket is related to an inspection |
boolean |
None. |
ClosedDate |
Date the Ticket was closed |
date |
None. |
DaysToClosed |
Number of days from Created to Closed |
integer |
None. |
ManualLabor |
Includes manual labor |
boolean |
None. |
ServiceCompanyCode |
Value from SV_Service_Company table; Provider of Service for this System; list of valid options can be retrieved from GET: api/servicecompany |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 25 |
ServiceCompanyID |
Value from SV_Service_Company table; Provider of Service for this System; list of valid options can be retrieved from GET: api/servicecompany; used only by the GETs |
integer |
None. |
Priority |
Foreign key from SS_Priority table corresponding to Low, Medium, High, or Critical; defaults to Medium is not supplied |
string |
None. |
CategoryCode |
Category from AR_Category table; defaults to N/A if not supplied |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 25 |
ExpertiseLevel |
levels 1-5 |
integer |
None. |
EnteredBy |
The user who entered the ticket |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 20 |
InvoiceContact |
name of contact for the Invoice |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 200 |
Signer |
name of the signer |
string |
None. |
ServiceLevelCode |
Value from SV_Service_Level table; list of valid options can be retrieved from GET: api/servicelevel |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 25 |
UserCode |
user name of the user who updated this ticket |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 30 |
PONumber |
PO Number |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 20 |
RouteCode |
Value from SV_Routes table; list of valid options can be retrieved from GET: api/serviceroute |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 25 |
SubCustomerSiteId |
Foreign key from AR_Customer_Site table |
integer |
None. |
CustomerCCId |
Foreign key from AR_Customer_CC table |
integer |
None. |
CustomerBankId |
Foreign key from AR_Customer_Bank table |
integer |
None. |
CustomerBillId |
Foreign key from AR_Customer_Bill table |
integer |
None. |
CustomerContactId |
Foreign key from AR_Customer_Contact table |
integer |
None. |
InspectionId |
Foreign key from SV_Inspection table |
integer |
None. |
ServiceTicketGroupId |
Foreign key from SV_Service_Ticket_Group table |
integer |
None. |
ServiceCoordinatorEmployeeId |
Foreign key from SY_Employee table |
integer |
None. |
Notes | Collection of ServiceTicketNote |
None. |
Parts | Collection of ServiceTicketPart |
None. |
Customer | Customer |
None. |
Site | CustomerSite |
None. |
System | CustomerSystem |
None. |
Request Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "ServiceTicketId": 1, "TicketStatus": "sample string 1", "TicketStatusName": "sample string 2", "TicketNumber": 1, "CustomerId": 3, "CustomerNumber": "sample string 4", "CustomerName": "sample string 5", "SiteName": "sample string 6", "CustomerSiteId": 7, "City": "sample string 8", "State": "sample string 9", "CustomerSiteAddress": "sample string 10", "CustomerSystemId": 11, "AlarmAccount": "sample string 12", "SystemCode": "sample string 13", "MultipleSystems": true, "CreationDate": "2024-10-13T21:06:59.4570947-05:00", "RequestedBy": "sample string 14", "RequestedByPhone": "sample string 15", "RequestedByPhoneExt": "sample string 16", "AutoNotify": "sample string 17", "ProblemCode": "sample string 18", "SubProblemCode": "sample string 19", "ScheduledFor": "2024-10-13T21:06:59.4570947-05:00", "ServiceTechCode": "sample string 20", "EstimatedLength": 1, "ResolutionCode": "sample string 21", "Billable": true, "Billed": true, "EquipmentCharge": 1.0, "LaborCharge": 1.0, "OtherCharge": 1.0, "TaxTotal": 1.0, "CustomerComments": "sample string 22", "RegularHours": 1.1, "OvertimeHours": 1.1, "HolidayHours": 1.1, "TripCharge": 1.0, "InvoiceNumber": 1, "RegularRate": 1.0, "OvertimeRate": 1.0, "HolidayRate": 1.0, "BypassWarranty": true, "BypassServiceLevel": true, "IsInspection": true, "ClosedDate": "2024-10-13T21:06:59.4570947-05:00", "DaysToClosed": 1, "ManualLabor": true, "ServiceCompanyCode": "sample string 23", "ServiceCompanyID": 1, "Priority": "sample string 24", "CategoryCode": "sample string 25", "ExpertiseLevel": 1, "EnteredBy": "sample string 26", "InvoiceContact": "sample string 27", "Signer": "sample string 28", "ServiceLevelCode": "sample string 29", "UserCode": "sample string 30", "PONumber": "sample string 31", "RouteCode": "sample string 32", "SubCustomerSiteId": 1, "CustomerCCId": 1, "CustomerBankId": 1, "CustomerBillId": 1, "CustomerContactId": 1, "InspectionId": 1, "ServiceTicketGroupId": 1, "ServiceCoordinatorEmployeeId": 1, "Notes": [ { "NoteId": 1, "ServiceTicketNumber": 2, "Note": "sample string 3", "AccessLevel": 1, "UserCode": "sample string 4", "IsResolution": true, "CreationDate": "2024-10-13T21:06:59.4727821-05:00" }, { "NoteId": 1, "ServiceTicketNumber": 2, "Note": "sample string 3", "AccessLevel": 1, "UserCode": "sample string 4", "IsResolution": true, "CreationDate": "2024-10-13T21:06:59.4727821-05:00" } ], "Parts": [ { "ServiceTicketPartId": 1, "ServiceTicketNumber": 2, "PartCode": "sample string 3", "PartDescription": "sample string 4", "Quantity": 1.1, "Rate": 5.0, "Location": "sample string 6", "ServiceTechCode": "sample string 7", "FromStock": true, "SerialNumber": "sample string 8", "LotNumber": "sample string 9", "WarehouseCode": "sample string 10" }, { "ServiceTicketPartId": 1, "ServiceTicketNumber": 2, "PartCode": "sample string 3", "PartDescription": "sample string 4", "Quantity": 1.1, "Rate": 5.0, "Location": "sample string 6", "ServiceTechCode": "sample string 7", "FromStock": true, "SerialNumber": "sample string 8", "LotNumber": "sample string 9", "WarehouseCode": "sample string 10" } ], "Customer": { "CustomerId": 1, "CustomerNumber": "sample string 2", "CustomerName": "sample string 3", "StatusCode": "sample string 4", "TypeCode": "sample string 5", "CollectionStatusCode": "sample string 6", "SalespersonCode": "sample string 7", "TermCode": "sample string 8", "TaxExemptNum": "sample string 9", "BlanketPO": "sample string 10", "BlanketPOExpire": "sample string 11", "OldCustomerNumber": "sample string 12", "LastStatementDate": "sample string 13", "NoLateFees": true, "NoStatements": true, "NoCollections": true, "OkToIncreaseDate": "sample string 14", "StatementBalance": 15.1, "PrintSiteOnInvoices": true, "PrintStatements": true, "PrintCycleInvoices": true, "RollUpRecurring": true, "CustomerSince": "sample string 16", "BranchCode": "sample string 17", "CustomerGroupID": 1, "GroupCode": "sample string 18", "Group2Code": "sample string 19", "CustomerName2": "sample string 20", "MasterAccountCode": "sample string 21", "CustomerRelationCode": "sample string 22", "IsMaster": true, "MasterAccountBilling": true, "BalanceDue": 1.0, "TotalActiveRMR": 1.0, "TotalActiveRAR": 1.0, "FullNameAndNumber": "sample string 23", "CustomerBillPrimary": { "CustomerBillId": 1, "CustomerId": 2, "IsCommercial": true, "BillName": "sample string 4", "Address1": "sample string 5", "Address2": "sample string 6", "Address3": "sample string 7", "City": "sample string 8", "State": "sample string 9", "Zip": "sample string 10", "County": "sample string 11", "ZipExt": "sample string 12", "CountryAbbrev": "sample string 13", "Phone1": "sample string 14", "Phone2": "sample string 15", "Fax": "sample string 16", "Email": "sample string 17", "IsPrimary": true, "Inactive": true, "BranchCode": "sample string 19", "EmailInvoices": true, "BusinessName2": "sample string 20" } }, "Site": { "CustomerSiteId": 1, "CustomerId": 1, "TaxGroupCode": "sample string 2", "BranchCode": "sample string 3", "IsCommercial": true, "SiteName": "sample string 4", "Address1": "sample string 5", "Address2": "sample string 6", "Address3": "sample string 7", "City": "sample string 8", "State": "sample string 9", "Zip": "sample string 10", "County": "sample string 11", "ZipExt": "sample string 12", "CountryAbbrev": "sample string 13", "Phone1": "sample string 14", "Phone2": "sample string 15", "Fax": "sample string 16", "Email": "sample string 17", "Comments": "sample string 18", "MapCode": "sample string 19", "CrossStreet": "sample string 20", "CustomerSince": "sample string 21", "Inactive": true, "ExternalLink": "sample string 22", "ExternalSerialNumber": "sample string 23", "ExternalVersionNumber": "sample string 24", "CycleTaxGroupCode": "sample string 25", "TaxExemptNum": "sample string 26", "GSTTaxExemptNum": "sample string 27", "SiteNumber": "sample string 28", "CustomerBillId": 29, "BusinessName2": "sample string 30" }, "System": { "CustomerSystemId": 1, "CSCustomerSystemId": 1, "CustomerId": 1, "CustomerNumber": "sample string 2", "CustomerName": "sample string 3", "CustomerSiteId": 4, "SiteAddress": "sample string 5", "SitePhone": "sample string 6", "SitePhone2": "sample string 7", "SystemCode": "sample string 8", "PanelTypeCode": "sample string 9", "PanelLocation": "sample string 10", "Memo": "sample string 11", "JobCode": "sample string 12", "ContractFormCode": "sample string 13", "ContractNumber": "sample string 14", "WarrantyCode": "sample string 15", "ServiceLevelCode": "sample string 16", "ServiceLevelId": 1, "AlarmAccount": "sample string 17", "AlarmCompanyCode": "sample string 18", "ServiceCompanyCode": "sample string 19", "ServiceCompanyId": 1, "ContractStartDate": "sample string 20", "Months": 1, "RenewalMonths": 1, "InvoiceDescriptionId": 1, "CyclePONumber": "sample string 21", "CyclePOExpire": "sample string 22", "LastInspectionDate": "sample string 23", "NextInspectionDate": "sample string 24", "InspectionNotes": "sample string 25", "SystemComments": "sample string 26", "OkToIncrDate": "sample string 27", "WarrantyDate": "sample string 28", "Inactive": true, "PORequired": true, "RouteId": 1, "TransmissionFormatId": 1, "SystemPassword": "sample string 29", "DuressPassword": "sample string 30", "KeysOnFile": true, "KeyNumber": "sample string 31", "ULGradeId": 1, "HasSounder": true, "KeypadCode": "sample string 32", "PanelPhone": "sample string 33", "CSPhone": "sample string 34", "SecondaryAccount": "sample string 35", "SecondaryPanelTypeId": 1, "SecTransmissionFormatId": 1, "EmergencyContacts": [ { "CustomerSystemCallListId": 1, "CustomerSystemId": 2, "Title": "sample string 3", "ContactName": "sample string 4", "HomePhone": "sample string 5", "MobilePhone": "sample string 6", "WorkPhone": "sample string 7", "Extension": "sample string 8", "EMail": "sample string 9", "Fax": "sample string 10", "Pager": "sample string 11", "UserNumber": "sample string 12", "Passcode": "sample string 13", "VerifyPasscode": true, "KeyHolder": true, "AllowAlarmResolution": true, "AllowSystemChanges": true, "Instructions": "sample string 14", "Sequence": 15, "Relation": "sample string 16" }, { "CustomerSystemCallListId": 1, "CustomerSystemId": 2, "Title": "sample string 3", "ContactName": "sample string 4", "HomePhone": "sample string 5", "MobilePhone": "sample string 6", "WorkPhone": "sample string 7", "Extension": "sample string 8", "EMail": "sample string 9", "Fax": "sample string 10", "Pager": "sample string 11", "UserNumber": "sample string 12", "Passcode": "sample string 13", "VerifyPasscode": true, "KeyHolder": true, "AllowAlarmResolution": true, "AllowSystemChanges": true, "Instructions": "sample string 14", "Sequence": 15, "Relation": "sample string 16" } ], "RecurLines": [ { "CustomerRecurringId": 1, "CustomerId": 1, "CustomerBillId": 2, "CustomerSiteId": 3, "CustomerSystemId": 4, "ItemCode": "sample string 5", "BillCycle": "sample string 6", "MonthlyAmount": 7.0, "CycleStartDate": "sample string 8", "CycleEndDate": "sample string 9", "LastCycleDate": "sample string 10", "NextCycleDate": "sample string 11", "PendingAmt": 12.0, "JobCode": "sample string 13", "IsCancelled": true, "CancelledRMRTrackingId": 14, "LastRateIncrease": "sample string 15", "MasterItemCode": "sample string 16", "MasterAccountCode": "sample string 17", "CycleAmount": 18.0, "BillOnDay": 19, "UserDescription": "sample string 20", "InvoiceItemMemo": "sample string 21", "BranchCode": "sample string 22", "RMRReasonCode": "sample string 23", "RMRTrackingComments": "sample string 24", "UserCode": "sample string 25" }, { "CustomerRecurringId": 1, "CustomerId": 1, "CustomerBillId": 2, "CustomerSiteId": 3, "CustomerSystemId": 4, "ItemCode": "sample string 5", "BillCycle": "sample string 6", "MonthlyAmount": 7.0, "CycleStartDate": "sample string 8", "CycleEndDate": "sample string 9", "LastCycleDate": "sample string 10", "NextCycleDate": "sample string 11", "PendingAmt": 12.0, "JobCode": "sample string 13", "IsCancelled": true, "CancelledRMRTrackingId": 14, "LastRateIncrease": "sample string 15", "MasterItemCode": "sample string 16", "MasterAccountCode": "sample string 17", "CycleAmount": 18.0, "BillOnDay": 19, "UserDescription": "sample string 20", "InvoiceItemMemo": "sample string 21", "BranchCode": "sample string 22", "RMRReasonCode": "sample string 23", "RMRTrackingComments": "sample string 24", "UserCode": "sample string 25" } ], "SystemCustomer": { "CustomerId": 1, "CustomerNumber": "sample string 2", "CustomerName": "sample string 3", "StatusCode": "sample string 4", "TypeCode": "sample string 5", "CollectionStatusCode": "sample string 6", "SalespersonCode": "sample string 7", "TermCode": "sample string 8", "TaxExemptNum": "sample string 9", "BlanketPO": "sample string 10", "BlanketPOExpire": "sample string 11", "OldCustomerNumber": "sample string 12", "LastStatementDate": "sample string 13", "NoLateFees": true, "NoStatements": true, "NoCollections": true, "OkToIncreaseDate": "sample string 14", "StatementBalance": 15.1, "PrintSiteOnInvoices": true, "PrintStatements": true, "PrintCycleInvoices": true, "RollUpRecurring": true, "CustomerSince": "sample string 16", "BranchCode": "sample string 17", "CustomerGroupID": 1, "GroupCode": "sample string 18", "Group2Code": "sample string 19", "CustomerName2": "sample string 20", "MasterAccountCode": "sample string 21", "CustomerRelationCode": "sample string 22", "IsMaster": true, "MasterAccountBilling": true, "BalanceDue": 1.0, "TotalActiveRMR": 1.0, "TotalActiveRAR": 1.0, "FullNameAndNumber": "sample string 23", "CustomerBillPrimary": { "CustomerBillId": 1, "CustomerId": 2, "IsCommercial": true, "BillName": "sample string 4", "Address1": "sample string 5", "Address2": "sample string 6", "Address3": "sample string 7", "City": "sample string 8", "State": "sample string 9", "Zip": "sample string 10", "County": "sample string 11", "ZipExt": "sample string 12", "CountryAbbrev": "sample string 13", "Phone1": "sample string 14", "Phone2": "sample string 15", "Fax": "sample string 16", "Email": "sample string 17", "IsPrimary": true, "Inactive": true, "BranchCode": "sample string 19", "EmailInvoices": true, "BusinessName2": "sample string 20" } }, "SystemSite": { "CustomerSiteId": 1, "CustomerId": 1, "TaxGroupCode": "sample string 2", "BranchCode": "sample string 3", "IsCommercial": true, "SiteName": "sample string 4", "Address1": "sample string 5", "Address2": "sample string 6", "Address3": "sample string 7", "City": "sample string 8", "State": "sample string 9", "Zip": "sample string 10", "County": "sample string 11", "ZipExt": "sample string 12", "CountryAbbrev": "sample string 13", "Phone1": "sample string 14", "Phone2": "sample string 15", "Fax": "sample string 16", "Email": "sample string 17", "Comments": "sample string 18", "MapCode": "sample string 19", "CrossStreet": "sample string 20", "CustomerSince": "sample string 21", "Inactive": true, "ExternalLink": "sample string 22", "ExternalSerialNumber": "sample string 23", "ExternalVersionNumber": "sample string 24", "CycleTaxGroupCode": "sample string 25", "TaxExemptNum": "sample string 26", "GSTTaxExemptNum": "sample string 27", "SiteNumber": "sample string 28", "CustomerBillId": 29, "BusinessName2": "sample string 30" } } }
application/xml, text/xml
<ServiceTicket xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/SedonaServices.Models"> <AlarmAccount>sample string 12</AlarmAccount> <AutoNotify>sample string 17</AutoNotify> <Billable>true</Billable> <Billed>true</Billed> <BypassServiceLevel>true</BypassServiceLevel> <BypassWarranty>true</BypassWarranty> <CategoryCode>sample string 25</CategoryCode> <City>sample string 8</City> <ClosedDate>2024-10-13T21:06:59.4570947-05:00</ClosedDate> <CreationDate>2024-10-13T21:06:59.4570947-05:00</CreationDate> <Customer> <BalanceDue>1</BalanceDue> <BlanketPO>sample string 10</BlanketPO> <BlanketPOExpire>sample string 11</BlanketPOExpire> <BranchCode>sample string 17</BranchCode> <CollectionStatusCode>sample string 6</CollectionStatusCode> <CustomerBillPrimary> <Address1>sample string 5</Address1> <Address2>sample string 6</Address2> <Address3>sample string 7</Address3> <BillName>sample string 4</BillName> <BranchCode>sample string 19</BranchCode> <BusinessName2>sample string 20</BusinessName2> <City>sample string 8</City> <CountryAbbrev>sample string 13</CountryAbbrev> <County>sample string 11</County> <CustomerBillId>1</CustomerBillId> <CustomerId>2</CustomerId> <Email>sample string 17</Email> <EmailInvoices>true</EmailInvoices> <Fax>sample string 16</Fax> <Inactive>true</Inactive> <IsCommercial>true</IsCommercial> <IsPrimary>true</IsPrimary> <Phone1>sample string 14</Phone1> <Phone2>sample string 15</Phone2> <State>sample string 9</State> <Zip>sample string 10</Zip> <ZipExt>sample string 12</ZipExt> </CustomerBillPrimary> <CustomerGroupID>1</CustomerGroupID> <CustomerId>1</CustomerId> <CustomerName>sample string 3</CustomerName> <CustomerName2>sample string 20</CustomerName2> <CustomerNumber>sample string 2</CustomerNumber> <CustomerRelationCode>sample string 22</CustomerRelationCode> <CustomerSince>sample string 16</CustomerSince> <FullNameAndNumber>sample string 23</FullNameAndNumber> <Group2Code>sample string 19</Group2Code> <GroupCode>sample string 18</GroupCode> <IsMaster>true</IsMaster> <LastStatementDate>sample string 13</LastStatementDate> <MasterAccountBilling>true</MasterAccountBilling> <MasterAccountCode>sample string 21</MasterAccountCode> <NoCollections>true</NoCollections> <NoLateFees>true</NoLateFees> <NoStatements>true</NoStatements> <OkToIncreaseDate>sample string 14</OkToIncreaseDate> <OldCustomerNumber>sample string 12</OldCustomerNumber> <PrintCycleInvoices>true</PrintCycleInvoices> <PrintSiteOnInvoices>true</PrintSiteOnInvoices> <PrintStatements>true</PrintStatements> <RollUpRecurring>true</RollUpRecurring> <SalespersonCode>sample string 7</SalespersonCode> <StatementBalance>15.1</StatementBalance> <StatusCode>sample string 4</StatusCode> <TaxExemptNum>sample string 9</TaxExemptNum> <TermCode>sample string 8</TermCode> <TotalActiveRAR>1</TotalActiveRAR> <TotalActiveRMR>1</TotalActiveRMR> <TypeCode>sample string 5</TypeCode> </Customer> <CustomerBankId>1</CustomerBankId> <CustomerBillId>1</CustomerBillId> <CustomerCCId>1</CustomerCCId> <CustomerComments>sample string 22</CustomerComments> <CustomerContactId>1</CustomerContactId> <CustomerId>3</CustomerId> <CustomerName>sample string 5</CustomerName> <CustomerNumber>sample string 4</CustomerNumber> <CustomerSiteAddress>sample string 10</CustomerSiteAddress> <CustomerSiteId>7</CustomerSiteId> <CustomerSystemId>11</CustomerSystemId> <DaysToClosed>1</DaysToClosed> <EnteredBy>sample string 26</EnteredBy> <EquipmentCharge>1</EquipmentCharge> <EstimatedLength>1</EstimatedLength> <ExpertiseLevel>1</ExpertiseLevel> <HolidayHours>1.1</HolidayHours> <HolidayRate>1</HolidayRate> <InspectionId>1</InspectionId> <InvoiceContact>sample string 27</InvoiceContact> <InvoiceNumber>1</InvoiceNumber> <IsInspection>true</IsInspection> <LaborCharge>1</LaborCharge> <ManualLabor>true</ManualLabor> <MultipleSystems>true</MultipleSystems> <Notes> <ServiceTicketNote> <AccessLevel>1</AccessLevel> <CreationDate>2024-10-13T21:06:59.4727821-05:00</CreationDate> <IsResolution>true</IsResolution> <Note>sample string 3</Note> <NoteId>1</NoteId> <ServiceTicketNumber>2</ServiceTicketNumber> <UserCode>sample string 4</UserCode> </ServiceTicketNote> <ServiceTicketNote> <AccessLevel>1</AccessLevel> <CreationDate>2024-10-13T21:06:59.4727821-05:00</CreationDate> <IsResolution>true</IsResolution> <Note>sample string 3</Note> <NoteId>1</NoteId> <ServiceTicketNumber>2</ServiceTicketNumber> <UserCode>sample string 4</UserCode> </ServiceTicketNote> </Notes> <OtherCharge>1</OtherCharge> <OvertimeHours>1.1</OvertimeHours> <OvertimeRate>1</OvertimeRate> <PONumber>sample string 31</PONumber> <Parts> <ServiceTicketPart> <FromStock>true</FromStock> <Location>sample string 6</Location> <LotNumber>sample string 9</LotNumber> <PartCode>sample string 3</PartCode> <PartDescription>sample string 4</PartDescription> <Quantity>1.1</Quantity> <Rate>5</Rate> <SerialNumber>sample string 8</SerialNumber> <ServiceTechCode>sample string 7</ServiceTechCode> <ServiceTicketNumber>2</ServiceTicketNumber> <ServiceTicketPartId>1</ServiceTicketPartId> <WarehouseCode>sample string 10</WarehouseCode> </ServiceTicketPart> <ServiceTicketPart> <FromStock>true</FromStock> <Location>sample string 6</Location> <LotNumber>sample string 9</LotNumber> <PartCode>sample string 3</PartCode> <PartDescription>sample string 4</PartDescription> <Quantity>1.1</Quantity> <Rate>5</Rate> <SerialNumber>sample string 8</SerialNumber> <ServiceTechCode>sample string 7</ServiceTechCode> <ServiceTicketNumber>2</ServiceTicketNumber> <ServiceTicketPartId>1</ServiceTicketPartId> <WarehouseCode>sample string 10</WarehouseCode> </ServiceTicketPart> </Parts> <Priority>sample string 24</Priority> <ProblemCode>sample string 18</ProblemCode> <RegularHours>1.1</RegularHours> <RegularRate>1</RegularRate> <RequestedBy>sample string 14</RequestedBy> <RequestedByPhone>sample string 15</RequestedByPhone> <RequestedByPhoneExt>sample string 16</RequestedByPhoneExt> <ResolutionCode>sample string 21</ResolutionCode> <RouteCode>sample string 32</RouteCode> <ScheduledFor>2024-10-13T21:06:59.4570947-05:00</ScheduledFor> <ServiceCompanyCode>sample string 23</ServiceCompanyCode> <ServiceCompanyID>1</ServiceCompanyID> <ServiceCoordinatorEmployeeId>1</ServiceCoordinatorEmployeeId> <ServiceLevelCode>sample string 29</ServiceLevelCode> <ServiceTechCode>sample string 20</ServiceTechCode> <ServiceTicketGroupId>1</ServiceTicketGroupId> <ServiceTicketId>1</ServiceTicketId> <Signer>sample string 28</Signer> <Site> <Address1>sample string 5</Address1> <Address2>sample string 6</Address2> <Address3>sample string 7</Address3> <BranchCode>sample string 3</BranchCode> <BusinessName2>sample string 30</BusinessName2> <City>sample string 8</City> <Comments>sample string 18</Comments> <CountryAbbrev>sample string 13</CountryAbbrev> <County>sample string 11</County> <CrossStreet>sample string 20</CrossStreet> 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string 10</Fax> <HomePhone>sample string 5</HomePhone> <Instructions>sample string 14</Instructions> <KeyHolder>true</KeyHolder> <MobilePhone>sample string 6</MobilePhone> <Pager>sample string 11</Pager> <Passcode>sample string 13</Passcode> <Relation>sample string 16</Relation> <Sequence>15</Sequence> <Title>sample string 3</Title> <UserNumber>sample string 12</UserNumber> <VerifyPasscode>true</VerifyPasscode> <WorkPhone>sample string 7</WorkPhone> </CustomerSystemCallList> </EmergencyContacts> <HasSounder>true</HasSounder> <Inactive>true</Inactive> <InspectionNotes>sample string 25</InspectionNotes> <InvoiceDescriptionId>1</InvoiceDescriptionId> <JobCode>sample string 12</JobCode> <KeyNumber>sample string 31</KeyNumber> <KeypadCode>sample string 32</KeypadCode> <KeysOnFile>true</KeysOnFile> <LastInspectionDate>sample string 23</LastInspectionDate> <Memo>sample string 11</Memo> <Months>1</Months> <NextInspectionDate>sample string 24</NextInspectionDate> <OkToIncrDate>sample string 27</OkToIncrDate> <PORequired>true</PORequired> <PanelLocation>sample string 10</PanelLocation> <PanelPhone>sample string 33</PanelPhone> <PanelTypeCode>sample string 9</PanelTypeCode> <RecurLines> <CustomerRecurring> <BillCycle>sample string 6</BillCycle> <BillOnDay>19</BillOnDay> <BranchCode>sample string 22</BranchCode> <CancelledRMRTrackingId>14</CancelledRMRTrackingId> <CustomerBillId>2</CustomerBillId> <CustomerId>1</CustomerId> <CustomerRecurringId>1</CustomerRecurringId> <CustomerSiteId>3</CustomerSiteId> <CustomerSystemId>4</CustomerSystemId> <CycleAmount>18</CycleAmount> <CycleEndDate>sample string 9</CycleEndDate> <CycleStartDate>sample string 8</CycleStartDate> <InvoiceItemMemo>sample string 21</InvoiceItemMemo> <IsCancelled>true</IsCancelled> <ItemCode>sample string 5</ItemCode> <JobCode>sample string 13</JobCode> <LastCycleDate>sample string 10</LastCycleDate> <LastRateIncrease>sample string 15</LastRateIncrease> <MasterAccountCode>sample string 17</MasterAccountCode> <MasterItemCode>sample string 16</MasterItemCode> <MonthlyAmount>7</MonthlyAmount> <NextCycleDate>sample string 11</NextCycleDate> <PendingAmt>12</PendingAmt> <RMRReasonCode>sample string 23</RMRReasonCode> <RMRTrackingComments>sample string 24</RMRTrackingComments> <UserCode>sample string 25</UserCode> <UserDescription>sample string 20</UserDescription> </CustomerRecurring> <CustomerRecurring> <BillCycle>sample string 6</BillCycle> <BillOnDay>19</BillOnDay> <BranchCode>sample string 22</BranchCode> <CancelledRMRTrackingId>14</CancelledRMRTrackingId> <CustomerBillId>2</CustomerBillId> <CustomerId>1</CustomerId> <CustomerRecurringId>1</CustomerRecurringId> <CustomerSiteId>3</CustomerSiteId> <CustomerSystemId>4</CustomerSystemId> <CycleAmount>18</CycleAmount> <CycleEndDate>sample string 9</CycleEndDate> <CycleStartDate>sample string 8</CycleStartDate> <InvoiceItemMemo>sample string 21</InvoiceItemMemo> <IsCancelled>true</IsCancelled> <ItemCode>sample string 5</ItemCode> <JobCode>sample string 13</JobCode> <LastCycleDate>sample string 10</LastCycleDate> <LastRateIncrease>sample string 15</LastRateIncrease> <MasterAccountCode>sample string 17</MasterAccountCode> <MasterItemCode>sample string 16</MasterItemCode> <MonthlyAmount>7</MonthlyAmount> <NextCycleDate>sample string 11</NextCycleDate> <PendingAmt>12</PendingAmt> <RMRReasonCode>sample string 23</RMRReasonCode> <RMRTrackingComments>sample string 24</RMRTrackingComments> <UserCode>sample string 25</UserCode> <UserDescription>sample string 20</UserDescription> </CustomerRecurring> </RecurLines> <RenewalMonths>1</RenewalMonths> <RouteId>1</RouteId> <SecTransmissionFormatId>1</SecTransmissionFormatId> <SecondaryAccount>sample string 35</SecondaryAccount> <SecondaryPanelTypeId>1</SecondaryPanelTypeId> <ServiceCompanyCode>sample string 19</ServiceCompanyCode> <ServiceCompanyId>1</ServiceCompanyId> <ServiceLevelCode>sample string 16</ServiceLevelCode> <ServiceLevelId>1</ServiceLevelId> <SiteAddress>sample string 5</SiteAddress> <SitePhone>sample string 6</SitePhone> <SitePhone2>sample string 7</SitePhone2> <SystemCode>sample string 8</SystemCode> <SystemComments>sample string 26</SystemComments> <SystemCustomer> <BalanceDue>1</BalanceDue> <BlanketPO>sample string 10</BlanketPO> <BlanketPOExpire>sample string 11</BlanketPOExpire> <BranchCode>sample string 17</BranchCode> <CollectionStatusCode>sample string 6</CollectionStatusCode> <CustomerBillPrimary> <Address1>sample string 5</Address1> <Address2>sample string 6</Address2> <Address3>sample string 7</Address3> <BillName>sample string 4</BillName> <BranchCode>sample string 19</BranchCode> <BusinessName2>sample string 20</BusinessName2> <City>sample string 8</City> <CountryAbbrev>sample string 13</CountryAbbrev> <County>sample string 11</County> <CustomerBillId>1</CustomerBillId> <CustomerId>2</CustomerId> <Email>sample string 17</Email> <EmailInvoices>true</EmailInvoices> <Fax>sample string 16</Fax> <Inactive>true</Inactive> 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13</CountryAbbrev> <County>sample string 11</County> <CrossStreet>sample string 20</CrossStreet> <CustomerBillId>29</CustomerBillId> <CustomerId>1</CustomerId> <CustomerSince>sample string 21</CustomerSince> <CustomerSiteId>1</CustomerSiteId> <CycleTaxGroupCode>sample string 25</CycleTaxGroupCode> <Email>sample string 17</Email> <ExternalLink>sample string 22</ExternalLink> <ExternalSerialNumber>sample string 23</ExternalSerialNumber> <ExternalVersionNumber>sample string 24</ExternalVersionNumber> <Fax>sample string 16</Fax> <GSTTaxExemptNum>sample string 27</GSTTaxExemptNum> <Inactive>true</Inactive> <IsCommercial>true</IsCommercial> <MapCode>sample string 19</MapCode> <Phone1>sample string 14</Phone1> <Phone2>sample string 15</Phone2> <SiteName>sample string 4</SiteName> <SiteNumber>sample string 28</SiteNumber> <State>sample string 9</State> <TaxExemptNum>sample string 26</TaxExemptNum> <TaxGroupCode>sample string 2</TaxGroupCode> <Zip>sample string 10</Zip> <ZipExt>sample string 12</ZipExt> </SystemSite> <TransmissionFormatId>1</TransmissionFormatId> <ULGradeId>1</ULGradeId> <WarrantyCode>sample string 15</WarrantyCode> <WarrantyDate>sample string 28</WarrantyDate> </System> <SystemCode>sample string 13</SystemCode> <TaxTotal>1</TaxTotal> <TicketNumber>1</TicketNumber> <TicketStatus>sample string 1</TicketStatus> <TicketStatusName>sample string 2</TicketStatusName> <TripCharge>1</TripCharge> <UserCode>sample string 30</UserCode> </ServiceTicket>
Response Information
Resource Description
Response Formats
application/json, text/json, application/xml, text/xml
Sample not available.