POST api/customersystem/SystemSearch
Search Systems by system number. Acts as a contains system number. So System 123, and system 1234, if you search for 12 it would bring both systems back. EmergencyContacts are not included at this time.
Request Information
URI Parameters
Body Parameters
SystemSearchViewModelName | Description | Type | Additional information |
SystemSearchEnum | SystemSearchEnum |
None. |
SearchText |
Uses option entity to search by field |
string |
None. |
Request Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "SystemSearchEnum": 0, "SearchText": "sample string 1" }
application/xml, text/xml
<SystemSearchViewModel xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <_x003C_SearchText_x003E_k__BackingField>sample string 1</_x003C_SearchText_x003E_k__BackingField> <_x003C_SystemSearchEnum_x003E_k__BackingField>None</_x003C_SystemSearchEnum_x003E_k__BackingField> </SystemSearchViewModel>
Response Information
Resource Description
Collection of CustomerSystemName | Description | Type | Additional information |
CustomerSystemId |
Sedona internal autonumber for the AR Customer System record (AR_Customer_System table); required for PUT |
integer |
None. |
CSCustomerSystemId |
Sedona internal autonumber for the CS Customer System record (CS_Customer_System table); set automatically on POST/PUT |
integer |
None. |
CustomerId |
Foreign key from AR_Customer table |
integer |
Required |
CustomerNumber |
Customer Number the customer sees |
string |
None. |
CustomerName |
customer Name |
string |
None. |
CustomerSiteId |
Foreign key from AR_Customer_Site table |
integer |
Required |
SiteAddress |
Site Address |
string |
None. |
SitePhone |
Site Phone |
string |
None. |
SitePhone2 |
Site Phone 2 |
string |
None. |
SystemCode |
Value from SY_System table; must be a valid value, and cannot be set to N/A; list of valid options can be retrieved from GET: api/systemtype |
string |
Required |
PanelTypeCode |
Value from SY_Panel_Type table; defaults to N/A if not supplied; list of valid options can be retrieved from GET: api/paneltype |
string |
None. |
PanelLocation |
Description of where the Panel is located |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 50 |
Memo |
Miscellaneous memo (comment) field |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 50 |
JobCode |
Value from OE_Job table; defaults to 000 if not supplied |
string |
None. |
ContractFormCode |
Value from AR_Contract_Form table; defaults to N/A if not supplied; list of valid options can be retrieved from GET: api/contractform |
string |
None. |
ContractNumber |
The number assigned to the Contract |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 25 |
WarrantyCode |
Value from SV_Warranty table; defaults to N/A if not supplied; list of valid options can be retrieved from GET: api/warranty |
string |
None. |
ServiceLevelCode |
Value from SV_Service_Level table; defaults to N/A if not supplied; list of valid options can be retrieved from GET: api/servicelevel |
string |
None. |
ServiceLevelId |
Foreign key from SV_Service_Level table |
integer |
None. |
AlarmAccount |
Identifier for the Account number. It can contain the Alarm Monitoring number (CSID), or any other assigned identifier. Corresponds to the System Account in SedonaOffice. |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 25 |
AlarmCompanyCode |
Value from CS_Alarm_Company table; Provider of the Monitoring Services for this System; defaults to N/A if not supplied. |
string |
None. |
ServiceCompanyCode |
Value from SV_Service_Company table; Provider of Service for this System; defaults to N/A if not supplied; list of valid options can be retrieved from GET: api/servicecompany |
string |
None. |
ServiceCompanyId |
Foreign key from SV_Service_Company table |
integer |
None. |
ContractStartDate |
Date the Contract starts (the Warranty will be calculated based upon this date). |
string |
None. |
Months |
Number of months for the initial term of the Contract; defaults to 0 if not supplied. |
integer |
None. |
RenewalMonths |
Number of months for the automatic renewal of the Contract; defaults to 0 if not supplied. |
integer |
None. |
InvoiceDescriptionId |
Value from AR_Invoice_Description table; set to 1 (N/A) if not applicable |
integer |
None. |
CyclePONumber |
PO number for Cycle Invoices for this System. |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 25 |
CyclePOExpire |
Date the Cycle PO expires. |
string |
None. |
LastInspectionDate |
Date the last time the system was inspected |
string |
None. |
NextInspectionDate |
Date of the next scheduled inspection |
string |
None. |
InspectionNotes | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 1024 |
SystemComments |
General comment field for the System. |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 1024 |
OkToIncrDate |
The date this system may be incremented. This supercedes the Customer level OK to Increment field. |
string |
None. |
WarrantyDate |
The date that the warranty will start on this system. |
string |
None. |
Inactive |
Set to true to make this system inactive; defaults to false if not supplied |
boolean |
None. |
PORequired |
Set to true if a PO is required for service |
boolean |
None. |
RouteId |
Value from SV_Routes table; defaults to 1 (N/A) if not supplied) |
integer |
None. |
TransmissionFormatId |
Value from CS_Transmission_Format table; defaults to N/A if not supplied. |
integer |
None. |
SystemPassword |
Password or code word customers call the Central Station with. |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 25 |
DuressPassword |
Password or code word customers call the Central Station with when they are under duress. |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 25 |
KeysOnFile |
Keys to the premise held by the alarm company. |
boolean |
None. |
KeyNumber |
Number or identifier the keys are filed under. |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 15 |
ULGradeId |
Value from CS_UL_Grade table |
integer |
None. |
HasSounder |
System has a sounder |
boolean |
None. |
KeypadCode |
Code to be entered to disarm the alarm system |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 10 |
PanelPhone |
The phone line connected for the panel, usually for remote downloading. |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 12 |
CSPhone |
The number the panel is programmed to call at the central station. |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 12 |
SecondaryAccount |
The Identifier for the secondary account number (i.e. radio back-up). It can contain the Alarm Monitoring number, or any other assigned identifier. |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 25 |
SecondaryPanelTypeId |
Value from SY_Panel_Type table; set to 1 (N/A) if not applicable |
integer |
None. |
SecTransmissionFormatId |
Value from CS_Transmission_Format table; set to 1 (N/A) if not applicable |
integer |
None. |
EmergencyContacts |
Also known as Call List; only populate if using CustomerCA |
Collection of CustomerSystemCallList |
None. |
RecurLines |
List of Customer Recurring records for this system; only populate if using CustomerCA |
Collection of CustomerRecurring |
None. |
SystemCustomer |
Customer object associated with the Customer System reocrd. Use the CustomerSystemSearch object to include this in the result of api/customersystem/search action. |
Customer |
None. |
SystemSite |
Customer Site object associated with the Customer System reocrd. Use the CustomerSystemSearch object to include this in the result of api/customersystem/search action. |
CustomerSite |
None. |
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
[ { "CustomerSystemId": 1, "CSCustomerSystemId": 1, "CustomerId": 1, "CustomerNumber": "sample string 2", "CustomerName": "sample string 3", "CustomerSiteId": 4, "SiteAddress": "sample string 5", "SitePhone": "sample string 6", "SitePhone2": "sample string 7", "SystemCode": "sample string 8", "PanelTypeCode": "sample string 9", "PanelLocation": "sample string 10", "Memo": "sample string 11", "JobCode": "sample string 12", "ContractFormCode": "sample string 13", "ContractNumber": "sample string 14", "WarrantyCode": "sample string 15", "ServiceLevelCode": "sample string 16", "ServiceLevelId": 1, "AlarmAccount": "sample string 17", "AlarmCompanyCode": "sample string 18", "ServiceCompanyCode": "sample string 19", "ServiceCompanyId": 1, "ContractStartDate": "sample string 20", "Months": 1, "RenewalMonths": 1, "InvoiceDescriptionId": 1, "CyclePONumber": "sample string 21", "CyclePOExpire": "sample string 22", "LastInspectionDate": "sample string 23", "NextInspectionDate": "sample string 24", "InspectionNotes": "sample string 25", "SystemComments": "sample string 26", "OkToIncrDate": "sample string 27", "WarrantyDate": "sample string 28", "Inactive": true, "PORequired": true, "RouteId": 1, "TransmissionFormatId": 1, "SystemPassword": "sample string 29", "DuressPassword": "sample string 30", "KeysOnFile": true, "KeyNumber": "sample string 31", "ULGradeId": 1, "HasSounder": true, "KeypadCode": "sample string 32", "PanelPhone": "sample string 33", "CSPhone": "sample string 34", "SecondaryAccount": "sample string 35", "SecondaryPanelTypeId": 1, "SecTransmissionFormatId": 1, "EmergencyContacts": [ { "CustomerSystemCallListId": 1, "CustomerSystemId": 2, "Title": "sample string 3", "ContactName": "sample string 4", "HomePhone": "sample string 5", "MobilePhone": "sample string 6", "WorkPhone": "sample string 7", "Extension": "sample string 8", "EMail": "sample string 9", "Fax": "sample string 10", "Pager": "sample string 11", "UserNumber": "sample string 12", "Passcode": "sample string 13", "VerifyPasscode": true, "KeyHolder": true, "AllowAlarmResolution": true, "AllowSystemChanges": true, "Instructions": "sample string 14", "Sequence": 15, "Relation": "sample string 16" }, { "CustomerSystemCallListId": 1, "CustomerSystemId": 2, "Title": "sample string 3", "ContactName": "sample string 4", "HomePhone": "sample string 5", "MobilePhone": "sample string 6", "WorkPhone": "sample string 7", "Extension": "sample string 8", "EMail": "sample string 9", "Fax": "sample string 10", "Pager": "sample string 11", "UserNumber": "sample string 12", "Passcode": "sample string 13", "VerifyPasscode": true, "KeyHolder": true, "AllowAlarmResolution": true, "AllowSystemChanges": true, "Instructions": "sample string 14", "Sequence": 15, "Relation": "sample string 16" } ], "RecurLines": [ { "CustomerRecurringId": 1, "CustomerId": 1, "CustomerBillId": 2, "CustomerSiteId": 3, "CustomerSystemId": 4, "ItemCode": "sample string 5", "BillCycle": "sample string 6", "MonthlyAmount": 7.0, "CycleStartDate": "sample string 8", "CycleEndDate": "sample string 9", "LastCycleDate": "sample string 10", "NextCycleDate": "sample string 11", "PendingAmt": 12.0, "JobCode": "sample string 13", "IsCancelled": true, "CancelledRMRTrackingId": 14, "LastRateIncrease": "sample string 15", "MasterItemCode": "sample string 16", "MasterAccountCode": "sample string 17", "CycleAmount": 18.0, "BillOnDay": 19, "UserDescription": "sample string 20", "InvoiceItemMemo": "sample string 21", "BranchCode": "sample string 22", "RMRReasonCode": "sample string 23", "RMRTrackingComments": "sample string 24", "UserCode": "sample string 25" }, { "CustomerRecurringId": 1, "CustomerId": 1, "CustomerBillId": 2, "CustomerSiteId": 3, "CustomerSystemId": 4, "ItemCode": "sample string 5", "BillCycle": "sample string 6", "MonthlyAmount": 7.0, "CycleStartDate": "sample string 8", "CycleEndDate": "sample string 9", "LastCycleDate": "sample string 10", "NextCycleDate": "sample string 11", "PendingAmt": 12.0, "JobCode": "sample string 13", "IsCancelled": true, "CancelledRMRTrackingId": 14, "LastRateIncrease": "sample string 15", "MasterItemCode": "sample string 16", "MasterAccountCode": "sample string 17", "CycleAmount": 18.0, "BillOnDay": 19, "UserDescription": "sample string 20", "InvoiceItemMemo": "sample string 21", "BranchCode": "sample string 22", "RMRReasonCode": "sample string 23", "RMRTrackingComments": "sample string 24", "UserCode": "sample string 25" } ], "SystemCustomer": { "CustomerId": 1, "CustomerNumber": "sample string 2", "CustomerName": "sample string 3", "StatusCode": "sample string 4", "TypeCode": "sample string 5", "CollectionStatusCode": "sample string 6", "SalespersonCode": "sample string 7", "TermCode": "sample string 8", "TaxExemptNum": "sample string 9", "BlanketPO": "sample string 10", "BlanketPOExpire": "sample string 11", "OldCustomerNumber": "sample string 12", "LastStatementDate": "sample string 13", "NoLateFees": true, "NoStatements": true, "NoCollections": true, "OkToIncreaseDate": "sample string 14", "StatementBalance": 15.1, "PrintSiteOnInvoices": true, "PrintStatements": true, "PrintCycleInvoices": true, "RollUpRecurring": true, "CustomerSince": "sample string 16", "BranchCode": "sample string 17", "CustomerGroupID": 1, "GroupCode": "sample string 18", "Group2Code": "sample string 19", "CustomerName2": "sample string 20", "MasterAccountCode": "sample string 21", "CustomerRelationCode": "sample string 22", "IsMaster": true, "MasterAccountBilling": true, "BalanceDue": 1.0, "TotalActiveRMR": 1.0, "TotalActiveRAR": 1.0, "FullNameAndNumber": "sample string 23", "CustomerBillPrimary": { "CustomerBillId": 1, "CustomerId": 2, "IsCommercial": true, "BillName": "sample string 4", "Address1": "sample string 5", "Address2": "sample string 6", "Address3": "sample string 7", "City": "sample string 8", "State": "sample string 9", "Zip": "sample string 10", "County": "sample string 11", "ZipExt": "sample string 12", "CountryAbbrev": "sample string 13", "Phone1": "sample string 14", "Phone2": "sample string 15", "Fax": "sample string 16", "Email": "sample string 17", "IsPrimary": true, "Inactive": true, "BranchCode": "sample string 19", "EmailInvoices": true, "BusinessName2": "sample string 20" } }, "SystemSite": { "CustomerSiteId": 1, "CustomerId": 1, "TaxGroupCode": "sample string 2", "BranchCode": "sample string 3", "IsCommercial": true, "SiteName": "sample string 4", "Address1": "sample string 5", "Address2": "sample string 6", "Address3": "sample string 7", "City": "sample string 8", "State": "sample string 9", "Zip": "sample string 10", "County": "sample string 11", "ZipExt": "sample string 12", "CountryAbbrev": "sample string 13", "Phone1": "sample string 14", "Phone2": "sample string 15", "Fax": "sample string 16", "Email": "sample string 17", "Comments": "sample string 18", "MapCode": "sample string 19", "CrossStreet": "sample string 20", "CustomerSince": "sample string 21", "Inactive": true, "ExternalLink": "sample string 22", "ExternalSerialNumber": "sample string 23", "ExternalVersionNumber": "sample string 24", "CycleTaxGroupCode": "sample string 25", "TaxExemptNum": "sample string 26", "GSTTaxExemptNum": "sample string 27", "SiteNumber": "sample string 28", "CustomerBillId": 29, "BusinessName2": "sample string 30" } }, { "CustomerSystemId": 1, "CSCustomerSystemId": 1, "CustomerId": 1, "CustomerNumber": "sample string 2", "CustomerName": "sample string 3", "CustomerSiteId": 4, "SiteAddress": "sample string 5", "SitePhone": "sample string 6", "SitePhone2": "sample string 7", "SystemCode": "sample string 8", "PanelTypeCode": "sample string 9", "PanelLocation": "sample string 10", "Memo": "sample string 11", "JobCode": "sample string 12", "ContractFormCode": "sample string 13", "ContractNumber": "sample string 14", "WarrantyCode": "sample string 15", "ServiceLevelCode": "sample string 16", "ServiceLevelId": 1, "AlarmAccount": "sample string 17", "AlarmCompanyCode": "sample string 18", "ServiceCompanyCode": "sample string 19", "ServiceCompanyId": 1, "ContractStartDate": "sample string 20", "Months": 1, "RenewalMonths": 1, "InvoiceDescriptionId": 1, "CyclePONumber": "sample string 21", "CyclePOExpire": "sample string 22", "LastInspectionDate": "sample string 23", "NextInspectionDate": "sample string 24", "InspectionNotes": "sample string 25", "SystemComments": "sample string 26", "OkToIncrDate": "sample string 27", "WarrantyDate": "sample string 28", "Inactive": true, "PORequired": true, "RouteId": 1, "TransmissionFormatId": 1, "SystemPassword": "sample string 29", "DuressPassword": "sample string 30", "KeysOnFile": true, "KeyNumber": "sample string 31", "ULGradeId": 1, "HasSounder": true, "KeypadCode": "sample string 32", "PanelPhone": "sample string 33", "CSPhone": "sample string 34", "SecondaryAccount": "sample string 35", "SecondaryPanelTypeId": 1, "SecTransmissionFormatId": 1, "EmergencyContacts": [ { "CustomerSystemCallListId": 1, "CustomerSystemId": 2, "Title": "sample string 3", "ContactName": "sample string 4", "HomePhone": "sample string 5", "MobilePhone": "sample string 6", "WorkPhone": "sample string 7", "Extension": "sample string 8", "EMail": "sample string 9", "Fax": "sample string 10", "Pager": "sample string 11", "UserNumber": "sample string 12", "Passcode": "sample string 13", "VerifyPasscode": true, "KeyHolder": true, "AllowAlarmResolution": true, "AllowSystemChanges": true, "Instructions": "sample string 14", "Sequence": 15, "Relation": "sample string 16" }, { "CustomerSystemCallListId": 1, "CustomerSystemId": 2, "Title": "sample string 3", "ContactName": "sample string 4", "HomePhone": "sample string 5", "MobilePhone": "sample string 6", "WorkPhone": "sample string 7", "Extension": "sample string 8", "EMail": "sample string 9", "Fax": "sample string 10", "Pager": "sample string 11", "UserNumber": "sample string 12", "Passcode": "sample string 13", "VerifyPasscode": true, "KeyHolder": true, "AllowAlarmResolution": true, "AllowSystemChanges": true, "Instructions": "sample string 14", "Sequence": 15, "Relation": "sample string 16" } ], "RecurLines": [ { "CustomerRecurringId": 1, "CustomerId": 1, "CustomerBillId": 2, "CustomerSiteId": 3, "CustomerSystemId": 4, "ItemCode": "sample string 5", "BillCycle": "sample string 6", "MonthlyAmount": 7.0, "CycleStartDate": "sample string 8", "CycleEndDate": "sample string 9", "LastCycleDate": "sample string 10", "NextCycleDate": "sample string 11", "PendingAmt": 12.0, "JobCode": "sample string 13", "IsCancelled": true, "CancelledRMRTrackingId": 14, "LastRateIncrease": "sample string 15", "MasterItemCode": "sample string 16", "MasterAccountCode": "sample string 17", "CycleAmount": 18.0, "BillOnDay": 19, "UserDescription": "sample string 20", "InvoiceItemMemo": "sample string 21", "BranchCode": "sample string 22", "RMRReasonCode": "sample string 23", "RMRTrackingComments": "sample string 24", "UserCode": "sample string 25" }, { "CustomerRecurringId": 1, "CustomerId": 1, "CustomerBillId": 2, "CustomerSiteId": 3, "CustomerSystemId": 4, "ItemCode": "sample string 5", "BillCycle": "sample string 6", "MonthlyAmount": 7.0, "CycleStartDate": "sample string 8", "CycleEndDate": "sample string 9", "LastCycleDate": "sample string 10", "NextCycleDate": "sample string 11", "PendingAmt": 12.0, "JobCode": "sample string 13", "IsCancelled": true, "CancelledRMRTrackingId": 14, "LastRateIncrease": "sample string 15", "MasterItemCode": "sample string 16", "MasterAccountCode": "sample string 17", "CycleAmount": 18.0, "BillOnDay": 19, "UserDescription": "sample string 20", "InvoiceItemMemo": "sample string 21", "BranchCode": "sample string 22", "RMRReasonCode": "sample string 23", "RMRTrackingComments": "sample string 24", "UserCode": "sample string 25" } ], "SystemCustomer": { "CustomerId": 1, "CustomerNumber": "sample string 2", "CustomerName": "sample string 3", "StatusCode": "sample string 4", "TypeCode": "sample string 5", "CollectionStatusCode": "sample string 6", "SalespersonCode": "sample string 7", "TermCode": "sample string 8", "TaxExemptNum": "sample string 9", "BlanketPO": "sample string 10", "BlanketPOExpire": "sample string 11", "OldCustomerNumber": "sample string 12", "LastStatementDate": "sample string 13", "NoLateFees": true, "NoStatements": true, "NoCollections": true, "OkToIncreaseDate": "sample string 14", "StatementBalance": 15.1, "PrintSiteOnInvoices": true, "PrintStatements": true, "PrintCycleInvoices": true, "RollUpRecurring": true, "CustomerSince": "sample string 16", "BranchCode": "sample string 17", "CustomerGroupID": 1, "GroupCode": "sample string 18", "Group2Code": "sample string 19", "CustomerName2": "sample string 20", "MasterAccountCode": "sample string 21", "CustomerRelationCode": "sample string 22", "IsMaster": true, "MasterAccountBilling": true, "BalanceDue": 1.0, "TotalActiveRMR": 1.0, "TotalActiveRAR": 1.0, "FullNameAndNumber": "sample string 23", "CustomerBillPrimary": { "CustomerBillId": 1, "CustomerId": 2, "IsCommercial": true, "BillName": "sample string 4", "Address1": "sample string 5", "Address2": "sample string 6", "Address3": "sample string 7", "City": "sample string 8", "State": "sample string 9", "Zip": "sample string 10", "County": "sample string 11", "ZipExt": "sample string 12", "CountryAbbrev": "sample string 13", "Phone1": "sample string 14", "Phone2": "sample string 15", "Fax": "sample string 16", "Email": "sample string 17", "IsPrimary": true, "Inactive": true, "BranchCode": "sample string 19", "EmailInvoices": true, "BusinessName2": "sample string 20" } }, "SystemSite": { "CustomerSiteId": 1, "CustomerId": 1, "TaxGroupCode": "sample string 2", "BranchCode": "sample string 3", "IsCommercial": true, "SiteName": "sample string 4", "Address1": "sample string 5", "Address2": "sample string 6", "Address3": "sample string 7", "City": "sample string 8", "State": "sample string 9", "Zip": "sample string 10", "County": "sample string 11", "ZipExt": "sample string 12", "CountryAbbrev": "sample string 13", "Phone1": "sample string 14", "Phone2": "sample string 15", "Fax": "sample string 16", "Email": "sample string 17", "Comments": "sample string 18", "MapCode": "sample string 19", "CrossStreet": "sample string 20", "CustomerSince": "sample string 21", "Inactive": true, "ExternalLink": "sample string 22", "ExternalSerialNumber": "sample string 23", "ExternalVersionNumber": "sample string 24", "CycleTaxGroupCode": "sample string 25", "TaxExemptNum": "sample string 26", "GSTTaxExemptNum": "sample string 27", "SiteNumber": "sample string 28", "CustomerBillId": 29, "BusinessName2": "sample string 30" } } ]
application/xml, text/xml
<ArrayOfCustomerSystem xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <CustomerSystem> <AlarmAccount>sample string 17</AlarmAccount> <AlarmCompanyCode>sample string 18</AlarmCompanyCode> <CSCustomerSystemId>1</CSCustomerSystemId> <CSPhone>sample string 34</CSPhone> <ContractFormCode>sample string 13</ContractFormCode> <ContractNumber>sample string 14</ContractNumber> <ContractStartDate>sample string 20</ContractStartDate> <CustomerId>1</CustomerId> <CustomerName>sample string 3</CustomerName> <CustomerNumber>sample string 2</CustomerNumber> <CustomerSiteId>4</CustomerSiteId> <CustomerSystemId>1</CustomerSystemId> <CyclePOExpire>sample string 22</CyclePOExpire> <CyclePONumber>sample string 21</CyclePONumber> <DuressPassword>sample string 30</DuressPassword> <EmergencyContacts> <CustomerSystemCallList> <AllowAlarmResolution>true</AllowAlarmResolution> <AllowSystemChanges>true</AllowSystemChanges> <ContactName>sample string 4</ContactName> <CustomerSystemCallListId>1</CustomerSystemCallListId> <CustomerSystemId>2</CustomerSystemId> <EMail>sample string 9</EMail> <Extension>sample string 8</Extension> <Fax>sample string 10</Fax> <HomePhone>sample string 5</HomePhone> <Instructions>sample string 14</Instructions> <KeyHolder>true</KeyHolder> <MobilePhone>sample string 6</MobilePhone> <Pager>sample string 11</Pager> <Passcode>sample string 13</Passcode> <Relation>sample string 16</Relation> <Sequence>15</Sequence> <Title>sample string 3</Title> <UserNumber>sample string 12</UserNumber> <VerifyPasscode>true</VerifyPasscode> <WorkPhone>sample string 7</WorkPhone> </CustomerSystemCallList> <CustomerSystemCallList> <AllowAlarmResolution>true</AllowAlarmResolution> <AllowSystemChanges>true</AllowSystemChanges> <ContactName>sample string 4</ContactName> <CustomerSystemCallListId>1</CustomerSystemCallListId> <CustomerSystemId>2</CustomerSystemId> <EMail>sample string 9</EMail> <Extension>sample string 8</Extension> <Fax>sample string 10</Fax> <HomePhone>sample string 5</HomePhone> <Instructions>sample string 14</Instructions> <KeyHolder>true</KeyHolder> <MobilePhone>sample string 6</MobilePhone> <Pager>sample string 11</Pager> <Passcode>sample string 13</Passcode> <Relation>sample string 16</Relation> <Sequence>15</Sequence> <Title>sample string 3</Title> <UserNumber>sample string 12</UserNumber> <VerifyPasscode>true</VerifyPasscode> <WorkPhone>sample string 7</WorkPhone> </CustomerSystemCallList> </EmergencyContacts> <HasSounder>true</HasSounder> <Inactive>true</Inactive> <InspectionNotes>sample string 25</InspectionNotes> <InvoiceDescriptionId>1</InvoiceDescriptionId> <JobCode>sample string 12</JobCode> <KeyNumber>sample string 31</KeyNumber> <KeypadCode>sample string 32</KeypadCode> <KeysOnFile>true</KeysOnFile> <LastInspectionDate>sample string 23</LastInspectionDate> <Memo>sample string 11</Memo> <Months>1</Months> <NextInspectionDate>sample string 24</NextInspectionDate> <OkToIncrDate>sample string 27</OkToIncrDate> <PORequired>true</PORequired> <PanelLocation>sample string 10</PanelLocation> <PanelPhone>sample string 33</PanelPhone> <PanelTypeCode>sample string 9</PanelTypeCode> <RecurLines> <CustomerRecurring> <BillCycle>sample string 6</BillCycle> <BillOnDay>19</BillOnDay> <BranchCode>sample string 22</BranchCode> <CancelledRMRTrackingId>14</CancelledRMRTrackingId> <CustomerBillId>2</CustomerBillId> <CustomerId>1</CustomerId> <CustomerRecurringId>1</CustomerRecurringId> <CustomerSiteId>3</CustomerSiteId> <CustomerSystemId>4</CustomerSystemId> <CycleAmount>18</CycleAmount> <CycleEndDate>sample string 9</CycleEndDate> <CycleStartDate>sample string 8</CycleStartDate> <InvoiceItemMemo>sample string 21</InvoiceItemMemo> <IsCancelled>true</IsCancelled> <ItemCode>sample string 5</ItemCode> <JobCode>sample string 13</JobCode> <LastCycleDate>sample string 10</LastCycleDate> <LastRateIncrease>sample string 15</LastRateIncrease> <MasterAccountCode>sample string 17</MasterAccountCode> <MasterItemCode>sample string 16</MasterItemCode> <MonthlyAmount>7</MonthlyAmount> <NextCycleDate>sample string 11</NextCycleDate> <PendingAmt>12</PendingAmt> <RMRReasonCode>sample string 23</RMRReasonCode> <RMRTrackingComments>sample string 24</RMRTrackingComments> <UserCode>sample string 25</UserCode> <UserDescription>sample string 20</UserDescription> </CustomerRecurring> <CustomerRecurring> <BillCycle>sample string 6</BillCycle> <BillOnDay>19</BillOnDay> <BranchCode>sample string 22</BranchCode> <CancelledRMRTrackingId>14</CancelledRMRTrackingId> <CustomerBillId>2</CustomerBillId> <CustomerId>1</CustomerId> <CustomerRecurringId>1</CustomerRecurringId> <CustomerSiteId>3</CustomerSiteId> <CustomerSystemId>4</CustomerSystemId> <CycleAmount>18</CycleAmount> <CycleEndDate>sample string 9</CycleEndDate> <CycleStartDate>sample string 8</CycleStartDate> <InvoiceItemMemo>sample string 21</InvoiceItemMemo> <IsCancelled>true</IsCancelled> <ItemCode>sample string 5</ItemCode> <JobCode>sample string 13</JobCode> <LastCycleDate>sample string 10</LastCycleDate> <LastRateIncrease>sample string 15</LastRateIncrease> <MasterAccountCode>sample string 17</MasterAccountCode> <MasterItemCode>sample string 16</MasterItemCode> <MonthlyAmount>7</MonthlyAmount> <NextCycleDate>sample string 11</NextCycleDate> <PendingAmt>12</PendingAmt> <RMRReasonCode>sample string 23</RMRReasonCode> <RMRTrackingComments>sample string 24</RMRTrackingComments> <UserCode>sample string 25</UserCode> <UserDescription>sample string 20</UserDescription> </CustomerRecurring> </RecurLines> <RenewalMonths>1</RenewalMonths> <RouteId>1</RouteId> <SecTransmissionFormatId>1</SecTransmissionFormatId> <SecondaryAccount>sample string 35</SecondaryAccount> <SecondaryPanelTypeId>1</SecondaryPanelTypeId> <ServiceCompanyCode>sample string 19</ServiceCompanyCode> <ServiceCompanyId>1</ServiceCompanyId> <ServiceLevelCode>sample string 16</ServiceLevelCode> <ServiceLevelId>1</ServiceLevelId> <SiteAddress>sample string 5</SiteAddress> <SitePhone>sample string 6</SitePhone> <SitePhone2>sample string 7</SitePhone2> <SystemCode>sample string 8</SystemCode> <SystemComments>sample string 26</SystemComments> <SystemCustomer> <BalanceDue>1</BalanceDue> <BlanketPO>sample string 10</BlanketPO> <BlanketPOExpire>sample string 11</BlanketPOExpire> <BranchCode>sample string 17</BranchCode> <CollectionStatusCode>sample string 6</CollectionStatusCode> <CustomerBillPrimary> <Address1>sample string 5</Address1> <Address2>sample string 6</Address2> <Address3>sample string 7</Address3> <BillName>sample string 4</BillName> <BranchCode>sample string 19</BranchCode> <BusinessName2>sample string 20</BusinessName2> <City>sample string 8</City> <CountryAbbrev>sample string 13</CountryAbbrev> <County>sample string 11</County> <CustomerBillId>1</CustomerBillId> <CustomerId>2</CustomerId> <Email>sample string 17</Email> <EmailInvoices>true</EmailInvoices> <Fax>sample string 16</Fax> <Inactive>true</Inactive> <IsCommercial>true</IsCommercial> <IsPrimary>true</IsPrimary> <Phone1>sample string 14</Phone1> <Phone2>sample string 15</Phone2> <State>sample string 9</State> <Zip>sample string 10</Zip> <ZipExt>sample string 12</ZipExt> </CustomerBillPrimary> <CustomerGroupID>1</CustomerGroupID> <CustomerId>1</CustomerId> <CustomerName>sample string 3</CustomerName> <CustomerName2>sample string 20</CustomerName2> <CustomerNumber>sample string 2</CustomerNumber> <CustomerRelationCode>sample string 22</CustomerRelationCode> <CustomerSince>sample string 16</CustomerSince> <FullNameAndNumber>sample string 23</FullNameAndNumber> <Group2Code>sample string 19</Group2Code> <GroupCode>sample string 18</GroupCode> <IsMaster>true</IsMaster> <LastStatementDate>sample string 13</LastStatementDate> <MasterAccountBilling>true</MasterAccountBilling> <MasterAccountCode>sample string 21</MasterAccountCode> <NoCollections>true</NoCollections> <NoLateFees>true</NoLateFees> <NoStatements>true</NoStatements> <OkToIncreaseDate>sample string 14</OkToIncreaseDate> 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<CrossStreet>sample string 20</CrossStreet> <CustomerBillId>29</CustomerBillId> <CustomerId>1</CustomerId> <CustomerSince>sample string 21</CustomerSince> <CustomerSiteId>1</CustomerSiteId> <CycleTaxGroupCode>sample string 25</CycleTaxGroupCode> <Email>sample string 17</Email> <ExternalLink>sample string 22</ExternalLink> <ExternalSerialNumber>sample string 23</ExternalSerialNumber> <ExternalVersionNumber>sample string 24</ExternalVersionNumber> <Fax>sample string 16</Fax> <GSTTaxExemptNum>sample string 27</GSTTaxExemptNum> <Inactive>true</Inactive> <IsCommercial>true</IsCommercial> <MapCode>sample string 19</MapCode> <Phone1>sample string 14</Phone1> <Phone2>sample string 15</Phone2> <SiteName>sample string 4</SiteName> <SiteNumber>sample string 28</SiteNumber> <State>sample string 9</State> <TaxExemptNum>sample string 26</TaxExemptNum> <TaxGroupCode>sample string 2</TaxGroupCode> <Zip>sample string 10</Zip> <ZipExt>sample string 12</ZipExt> </SystemSite> <TransmissionFormatId>1</TransmissionFormatId> <ULGradeId>1</ULGradeId> <WarrantyCode>sample string 15</WarrantyCode> <WarrantyDate>sample string 28</WarrantyDate> </CustomerSystem> <CustomerSystem> <AlarmAccount>sample string 17</AlarmAccount> <AlarmCompanyCode>sample string 18</AlarmCompanyCode> <CSCustomerSystemId>1</CSCustomerSystemId> <CSPhone>sample string 34</CSPhone> <ContractFormCode>sample string 13</ContractFormCode> <ContractNumber>sample string 14</ContractNumber> <ContractStartDate>sample string 20</ContractStartDate> <CustomerId>1</CustomerId> <CustomerName>sample string 3</CustomerName> <CustomerNumber>sample string 2</CustomerNumber> <CustomerSiteId>4</CustomerSiteId> <CustomerSystemId>1</CustomerSystemId> <CyclePOExpire>sample string 22</CyclePOExpire> <CyclePONumber>sample string 21</CyclePONumber> <DuressPassword>sample string 30</DuressPassword> <EmergencyContacts> <CustomerSystemCallList> <AllowAlarmResolution>true</AllowAlarmResolution> 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string 11</Memo> <Months>1</Months> <NextInspectionDate>sample string 24</NextInspectionDate> <OkToIncrDate>sample string 27</OkToIncrDate> <PORequired>true</PORequired> <PanelLocation>sample string 10</PanelLocation> <PanelPhone>sample string 33</PanelPhone> <PanelTypeCode>sample string 9</PanelTypeCode> <RecurLines> <CustomerRecurring> <BillCycle>sample string 6</BillCycle> <BillOnDay>19</BillOnDay> <BranchCode>sample string 22</BranchCode> <CancelledRMRTrackingId>14</CancelledRMRTrackingId> <CustomerBillId>2</CustomerBillId> <CustomerId>1</CustomerId> <CustomerRecurringId>1</CustomerRecurringId> <CustomerSiteId>3</CustomerSiteId> <CustomerSystemId>4</CustomerSystemId> <CycleAmount>18</CycleAmount> <CycleEndDate>sample string 9</CycleEndDate> <CycleStartDate>sample string 8</CycleStartDate> <InvoiceItemMemo>sample string 21</InvoiceItemMemo> <IsCancelled>true</IsCancelled> <ItemCode>sample string 5</ItemCode> <JobCode>sample string 13</JobCode> <LastCycleDate>sample string 10</LastCycleDate> <LastRateIncrease>sample string 15</LastRateIncrease> <MasterAccountCode>sample string 17</MasterAccountCode> <MasterItemCode>sample string 16</MasterItemCode> <MonthlyAmount>7</MonthlyAmount> <NextCycleDate>sample string 11</NextCycleDate> <PendingAmt>12</PendingAmt> <RMRReasonCode>sample string 23</RMRReasonCode> <RMRTrackingComments>sample string 24</RMRTrackingComments> <UserCode>sample string 25</UserCode> <UserDescription>sample string 20</UserDescription> </CustomerRecurring> <CustomerRecurring> <BillCycle>sample string 6</BillCycle> <BillOnDay>19</BillOnDay> <BranchCode>sample string 22</BranchCode> <CancelledRMRTrackingId>14</CancelledRMRTrackingId> <CustomerBillId>2</CustomerBillId> <CustomerId>1</CustomerId> <CustomerRecurringId>1</CustomerRecurringId> <CustomerSiteId>3</CustomerSiteId> <CustomerSystemId>4</CustomerSystemId> <CycleAmount>18</CycleAmount> <CycleEndDate>sample string 9</CycleEndDate> <CycleStartDate>sample string 8</CycleStartDate> 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