GET api/CustomerEquipment
Returns the last 10 records inserted into the AR_Customer_Equipment table (for testing purposes only; this operation may be disabled in production.)
Request Information
URI Parameters
Body Parameters
Response Information
Resource Description
Collection of CustomerEquipmentName | Description | Type | Additional information |
CustomerEquipmentId |
Sedona internal autonumber from ARCustomerEquipment |
integer |
None. |
CustomerId |
Foreign key from AR_Customer table |
integer |
Required |
CustomerNumber |
Customer_Number field from the AR_Customer table |
string |
None. |
CustomerSiteId |
Foreign key from AR_Customer_Site table |
integer |
Required |
CustomerSystemId |
Foreign key from AR_Customer_System table |
integer |
Required |
TypeJSO |
The type: Job (J), Service (S), Other (O); defaults to "O" if not supplied |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 1 |
JobId |
Value from OE_Job table; set automatically on POST based on value supplied for JobCode |
integer |
None. |
JobCode |
Value from OE_Job table; defaults to 000 on POST if not supplied |
string |
None. |
ServiceId |
set to N/A on POST |
integer |
None. |
OtherDescription |
defaults to Part Description on POST if not supplied |
string |
None. |
PartCode |
Part_Code, from IN_Part table; required for Post |
string |
Required String length: inclusive between 0 and 25 |
Quantity |
The quantity of equipment; defaults to 1 on POST if not supplied |
decimal number |
None. |
Cost |
The cost of the equipment; defaults to IN_Part.Sales_Price on POST if not supplied |
decimal number |
None. |
Date |
Date equipment added; defaults to today's date on POST if not supplied |
string |
None. |
Location |
Location of equipment installation |
string |
None. |
ManufactWarrantyExp |
Date the manufacturer's warranty expires |
string |
None. |
SerialNumber |
Serial number of the equipment |
string |
None. |
InvoiceItem |
Is this an invoice item? (Y/N); defaults to Y on POST if not supplied |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 1 |
WarrantyId |
Value from SV_Warranty table; set automatically on POST based on value supplied for JobCode |
integer |
None. |
WarrantyCode |
Abbreviated Warranty from SV_Warranty table; defaults to N/A on POST if not supplied |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 25 |
WarrantyStartDate |
The date the warranty starts |
string |
None. |
CoveredByContract |
set automatically on POST |
string |
None. |
RemovalTypeJSO |
set automatically on POST |
string |
None. |
RemovalOtherDescription |
Description upon removal |
string |
None. |
LocalZone |
set automatically on POST |
string |
None. |
RemovalServiceId |
set automatically on POST |
integer |
None. |
RemovalJobId |
Job ID where the equipment was removed; set automatically on POST |
integer |
None. |
RemovalDate |
Date the equipment was removed; set automatically on POST |
string |
None. |
MasterEquipmentId |
set automatically on POST |
integer |
None. |
Latitude |
set automatically on POST |
decimal number |
None. |
Longitude |
set automatically on POST |
decimal number |
None. |
LotNumber |
set automatically on POST |
string |
None. |
ManufacturerWarrantyId |
set automatically on POST |
integer |
None. |
UsePartCost |
Set to true if NOT specifying a Cost to use IN_Part.Purchase_Cost instead of Sales_Price |
boolean |
None. |
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
[ { "CustomerEquipmentId": 1, "CustomerId": 2, "CustomerNumber": "sample string 3", "CustomerSiteId": 4, "CustomerSystemId": 5, "TypeJSO": "sample string 6", "JobId": 7, "JobCode": "sample string 8", "ServiceId": 1, "OtherDescription": "sample string 9", "PartCode": "sample string 10", "Quantity": 1.1, "Cost": 1.0, "Date": "sample string 11", "Location": "sample string 12", "ManufactWarrantyExp": "sample string 13", "SerialNumber": "sample string 14", "InvoiceItem": "sample string 15", "WarrantyId": 16, "WarrantyCode": "sample string 17", "WarrantyStartDate": "sample string 18", "CoveredByContract": "sample string 19", "RemovalTypeJSO": "sample string 20", "RemovalOtherDescription": "sample string 21", "LocalZone": "sample string 22", "RemovalServiceId": 1, "RemovalJobId": 1, "RemovalDate": "sample string 23", "MasterEquipmentId": 1, "Latitude": 1.0, "Longitude": 1.0, "LotNumber": "sample string 24", "ManufacturerWarrantyId": 1, "UsePartCost": true }, { "CustomerEquipmentId": 1, "CustomerId": 2, "CustomerNumber": "sample string 3", "CustomerSiteId": 4, "CustomerSystemId": 5, "TypeJSO": "sample string 6", "JobId": 7, "JobCode": "sample string 8", "ServiceId": 1, "OtherDescription": "sample string 9", "PartCode": "sample string 10", "Quantity": 1.1, "Cost": 1.0, "Date": "sample string 11", "Location": "sample string 12", "ManufactWarrantyExp": "sample string 13", "SerialNumber": "sample string 14", "InvoiceItem": "sample string 15", "WarrantyId": 16, "WarrantyCode": "sample string 17", "WarrantyStartDate": "sample string 18", "CoveredByContract": "sample string 19", "RemovalTypeJSO": "sample string 20", "RemovalOtherDescription": "sample string 21", "LocalZone": "sample string 22", "RemovalServiceId": 1, "RemovalJobId": 1, "RemovalDate": "sample string 23", "MasterEquipmentId": 1, "Latitude": 1.0, "Longitude": 1.0, "LotNumber": "sample string 24", "ManufacturerWarrantyId": 1, "UsePartCost": true } ]
application/xml, text/xml
<ArrayOfCustomerEquipment xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <CustomerEquipment> <Cost>1</Cost> <CoveredByContract>sample string 19</CoveredByContract> <CustomerEquipmentId>1</CustomerEquipmentId> <CustomerId>2</CustomerId> <CustomerNumber>sample string 3</CustomerNumber> <CustomerSiteId>4</CustomerSiteId> <CustomerSystemId>5</CustomerSystemId> <Date>sample string 11</Date> <InvoiceItem>sample string 15</InvoiceItem> <JobCode>sample string 8</JobCode> <JobId>7</JobId> <Latitude>1</Latitude> <LocalZone>sample string 22</LocalZone> <Location>sample string 12</Location> <Longitude>1</Longitude> <LotNumber>sample string 24</LotNumber> <ManufactWarrantyExp>sample string 13</ManufactWarrantyExp> <ManufacturerWarrantyId>1</ManufacturerWarrantyId> <MasterEquipmentId>1</MasterEquipmentId> <OtherDescription>sample string 9</OtherDescription> <PartCode>sample string 10</PartCode> <Quantity>1.1</Quantity> <RemovalDate>sample string 23</RemovalDate> <RemovalJobId>1</RemovalJobId> <RemovalOtherDescription>sample string 21</RemovalOtherDescription> <RemovalServiceId>1</RemovalServiceId> <RemovalTypeJSO>sample string 20</RemovalTypeJSO> <SerialNumber>sample string 14</SerialNumber> <ServiceId>1</ServiceId> <TypeJSO>sample string 6</TypeJSO> <UsePartCost>true</UsePartCost> <WarrantyCode>sample string 17</WarrantyCode> <WarrantyId>16</WarrantyId> <WarrantyStartDate>sample string 18</WarrantyStartDate> </CustomerEquipment> <CustomerEquipment> <Cost>1</Cost> <CoveredByContract>sample string 19</CoveredByContract> <CustomerEquipmentId>1</CustomerEquipmentId> <CustomerId>2</CustomerId> <CustomerNumber>sample string 3</CustomerNumber> <CustomerSiteId>4</CustomerSiteId> <CustomerSystemId>5</CustomerSystemId> <Date>sample string 11</Date> <InvoiceItem>sample string 15</InvoiceItem> <JobCode>sample string 8</JobCode> <JobId>7</JobId> <Latitude>1</Latitude> <LocalZone>sample string 22</LocalZone> <Location>sample string 12</Location> <Longitude>1</Longitude> <LotNumber>sample string 24</LotNumber> <ManufactWarrantyExp>sample string 13</ManufactWarrantyExp> <ManufacturerWarrantyId>1</ManufacturerWarrantyId> <MasterEquipmentId>1</MasterEquipmentId> <OtherDescription>sample string 9</OtherDescription> <PartCode>sample string 10</PartCode> <Quantity>1.1</Quantity> <RemovalDate>sample string 23</RemovalDate> <RemovalJobId>1</RemovalJobId> <RemovalOtherDescription>sample string 21</RemovalOtherDescription> <RemovalServiceId>1</RemovalServiceId> <RemovalTypeJSO>sample string 20</RemovalTypeJSO> <SerialNumber>sample string 14</SerialNumber> <ServiceId>1</ServiceId> <TypeJSO>sample string 6</TypeJSO> <UsePartCost>true</UsePartCost> <WarrantyCode>sample string 17</WarrantyCode> <WarrantyId>16</WarrantyId> <WarrantyStartDate>sample string 18</WarrantyStartDate> </CustomerEquipment> </ArrayOfCustomerEquipment>