POST api/CustomerInvoice
Creates an Invoice record. Customer, Bill Address, and Site records must exist in order to create an Invoice.
Request Information
URI Parameters
Body Parameters
CustomerInvoiceName | Description | Type | Additional information |
InvoiceId |
Sedona internal autonumber for the Customer Invoice record |
integer |
None. |
InvoiceNumber |
Invoice Number the customer sees |
integer |
None. |
JobCode |
Job Code seen in SedonaOffice |
string |
None. |
InvoiceType |
Valid options are "O" for Other and "S" for Service; defaults to "O"; if "S", must supply a Service Ticket Number |
string |
None. |
CustomerId |
Foreign key from AR_Customer table |
integer |
Required |
CustomerSiteId |
Foreign key from AR_Customer_Site table |
integer |
Required |
CustomerSiteAddress |
Site address from the AR_Customer_Site table |
string |
None. |
CustomerSiteName |
Site Name from the AR_Customer_Site table |
string |
None. |
InvoiceDate |
Defaults to today's date, but can be overridden |
string |
None. |
InvoiceDateFormatted | date |
None. |
IssueDate |
read only; this is the date the invoie is created, and will not be stored explicitly on a POST or PUT |
string |
None. |
CategoryCode |
Category from AR_Category table |
string |
Required |
Amount |
Invoice Amount |
decimal number |
Required |
Credit |
read only (calculated automatically); Amount of any credits applied to this invoice |
decimal number |
None. |
Payment |
read only (calculated automatically); Amount of any payments applied to this invoice |
decimal number |
None. |
NetDue |
read only (calculated automatically); Net due on this invoice |
decimal number |
None. |
TaxAmount |
Any tax amount on this invoice |
decimal number |
None. |
TermCode |
Payment terms, from AR_Term |
string |
Required |
AdvanceDeposit |
read only (calculated automatically); Amount of any advance deposits applied to this invoice |
decimal number |
None. |
PONumber |
Purchase Order number |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 20 |
SalespersonCode |
Salesperson (from SY_Employee table); defaults to N/A if not set explicitly |
string |
None. |
InvoiceDescriptionCode |
the Invoice Description Code, from AR_Invoice_Description table |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 25 |
ServiceStartDate |
Populated automatically as the earliest ServiceStartDate from the Invoice Item |
string |
None. |
ServiceEndDate |
Populated automatically as the latest ServiceStartDate from the Invoice Item |
string |
None. |
PaymentDate |
read only; this will not be stored explicitly on a POST or PUT |
string |
None. |
Memo |
Text for memo |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 255 |
IsFinanceCharge |
read only; this will not be stored explicitly on a POST or PUT |
boolean |
None. |
IsTaxable |
Designates that the invoice should be taxable |
boolean |
None. |
InPrintQueue |
set to true if this invoice should be printed and mailed to the customer |
boolean |
None. |
InEmailQueue |
set to true if this invoice should be emailed to the customer |
boolean |
None. |
WarehouseCode |
value from IN_Warehouse |
string |
None. |
ServiceTicketId |
pass in a ServiceTicketID or set to 1 (blank) for InvoiceType = "S"; defaults to 1 if not supplied |
integer |
None. |
AgingDate |
Defaults to invoice date if not supplied, but can be overridden |
string |
None. |
GSTTaxAmount |
GST Tax Amount (Canada) |
decimal number |
None. |
PrintedDate | string |
None. |
Complete | boolean |
None. |
UserCode |
the user making this change; defaults to UserCode value from config file if not set explicitly |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 30 |
CustomerBillId | integer |
Required |
BranchCode |
Branch from AR_Branch table |
string |
Required |
PostingDate |
read only; this will not be stored explicitly on a POST or PUT |
string |
None. |
TaxExemptNumber | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 20 |
GSTTaxExemptNumber | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 20 |
LateFeeAmt |
read only; this is automatically set to $0.00 on new records |
decimal number |
None. |
ShippingCarrierCode |
value from SH_Carrier table |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 25 |
ShippingCarrierMethodCode |
value from SH_Carrier_Method table |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 25 |
ShippingName1 |
Shipping fields used to create a record in the SH_Shipment table, only if BuildShippingRecord = 1 in config file. |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 50 |
ShippingName2 | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 50 |
ShippingPhoneNumber | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 20 |
ShippingAddress1 | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 50 |
ShippingAddress2 | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 50 |
ShippingAddress3 | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 50 |
ShippingCity | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 50 |
ShippingState | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 50 |
ShippingZip | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 50 |
ShippingCountry | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 2 |
ShippingTrackingInfo | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 50 |
ShippingDeliveryInstructions | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 100 |
InvoiceItems |
list of Invoice Items |
Collection of CustomerInvoiceItem |
None. |
Request Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "InvoiceId": 1, "InvoiceNumber": 2, "JobCode": "sample string 3", "InvoiceType": "sample string 4", "CustomerId": 5, "CustomerSiteId": 6, "CustomerSiteAddress": "sample string 7", "CustomerSiteName": "sample string 8", "InvoiceDate": "sample string 9", "InvoiceDateFormatted": "2025-02-08T01:02:37.834819-06:00", "IssueDate": "sample string 10", "CategoryCode": "sample string 11", "Amount": 12.0, "Credit": 13.0, "Payment": 14.0, "NetDue": 15.0, "TaxAmount": 16.0, "TermCode": "sample string 17", "AdvanceDeposit": 18.0, "PONumber": "sample string 19", "SalespersonCode": "sample string 20", "InvoiceDescriptionCode": "sample string 21", "ServiceStartDate": "sample string 22", "ServiceEndDate": "sample string 23", "PaymentDate": "sample string 24", "Memo": "sample string 25", "IsFinanceCharge": true, "IsTaxable": true, "InPrintQueue": true, "InEmailQueue": true, "WarehouseCode": "sample string 30", "ServiceTicketId": 31, "AgingDate": "sample string 32", "GSTTaxAmount": 1.0, "PrintedDate": "sample string 33", "Complete": true, "UserCode": "sample string 35", "CustomerBillId": 36, "BranchCode": "sample string 37", "PostingDate": "sample string 38", "TaxExemptNumber": "sample string 39", "GSTTaxExemptNumber": "sample string 40", "LateFeeAmt": 41.0, "ShippingCarrierCode": "sample string 42", "ShippingCarrierMethodCode": "sample string 43", "ShippingName1": "sample string 44", "ShippingName2": "sample string 45", "ShippingPhoneNumber": "sample string 46", "ShippingAddress1": "sample string 47", "ShippingAddress2": "sample string 48", "ShippingAddress3": "sample string 49", "ShippingCity": "sample string 50", "ShippingState": "sample string 51", "ShippingZip": "sample string 52", "ShippingCountry": "sample string 53", "ShippingTrackingInfo": "sample string 54", "ShippingDeliveryInstructions": "sample string 55", "InvoiceItems": [ { "InvoiceItemId": 1, "InvoiceId": 2, "CustomerSiteId": 3, "ItemCode": "sample string 4", "PartId": 5, "PartCode": "sample string 6", "Description": "sample string 7", "Quantity": 8.1, "UnitOfMeasureCode": "sample string 9", "Rate": 10.0, "Amount": 11.0, "PONumber": "sample string 12", "ServiceStartDate": "sample string 13", "ServiceEndDate": "sample string 14", "WarehouseCode": "sample string 15", "CustomerSystemId": 16, "Memo": "sample string 17", "CustomText1": "sample string 18", "CustomText2": "sample string 19", "BillCycle": "sample string 20", "CycleAmount": 1.0, "CustomerEquipment": true }, { "InvoiceItemId": 1, "InvoiceId": 2, "CustomerSiteId": 3, "ItemCode": "sample string 4", "PartId": 5, "PartCode": "sample string 6", "Description": "sample string 7", "Quantity": 8.1, "UnitOfMeasureCode": "sample string 9", "Rate": 10.0, "Amount": 11.0, "PONumber": "sample string 12", "ServiceStartDate": "sample string 13", "ServiceEndDate": "sample string 14", "WarehouseCode": "sample string 15", "CustomerSystemId": 16, "Memo": "sample string 17", "CustomText1": "sample string 18", "CustomText2": "sample string 19", "BillCycle": "sample string 20", "CycleAmount": 1.0, "CustomerEquipment": true } ] }
application/xml, text/xml
<CustomerInvoice xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <AdvanceDeposit>18</AdvanceDeposit> <AgingDate>sample string 32</AgingDate> <Amount>12</Amount> <BranchCode>sample string 37</BranchCode> <CategoryCode>sample string 11</CategoryCode> <Complete>true</Complete> <Credit>13</Credit> <CustomerBillId>36</CustomerBillId> <CustomerId>5</CustomerId> <CustomerSiteAddress>sample string 7</CustomerSiteAddress> <CustomerSiteId>6</CustomerSiteId> <CustomerSiteName>sample string 8</CustomerSiteName> <GSTTaxAmount>1</GSTTaxAmount> <GSTTaxExemptNumber>sample string 40</GSTTaxExemptNumber> <InEmailQueue>true</InEmailQueue> <InPrintQueue>true</InPrintQueue> <InvoiceDate>sample string 9</InvoiceDate> <InvoiceDateFormatted>2025-02-08T01:02:37.834819-06:00</InvoiceDateFormatted> <InvoiceDescriptionCode>sample string 21</InvoiceDescriptionCode> <InvoiceId>1</InvoiceId> <InvoiceItems> <CustomerInvoiceItem> <Amount>11</Amount> <BillCycle>sample string 20</BillCycle> <CustomText1>sample string 18</CustomText1> <CustomText2>sample string 19</CustomText2> <CustomerEquipment>true</CustomerEquipment> <CustomerSiteId>3</CustomerSiteId> <CustomerSystemId>16</CustomerSystemId> <CycleAmount>1</CycleAmount> <Description>sample string 7</Description> <InvoiceId>2</InvoiceId> <InvoiceItemId>1</InvoiceItemId> <ItemCode>sample string 4</ItemCode> <Memo>sample string 17</Memo> <PONumber>sample string 12</PONumber> <PartCode>sample string 6</PartCode> <PartId>5</PartId> <Quantity>8.1</Quantity> <Rate>10</Rate> <ServiceEndDate>sample string 14</ServiceEndDate> <ServiceStartDate>sample string 13</ServiceStartDate> <UnitOfMeasureCode>sample string 9</UnitOfMeasureCode> <WarehouseCode>sample string 15</WarehouseCode> </CustomerInvoiceItem> <CustomerInvoiceItem> <Amount>11</Amount> <BillCycle>sample string 20</BillCycle> <CustomText1>sample string 18</CustomText1> <CustomText2>sample string 19</CustomText2> <CustomerEquipment>true</CustomerEquipment> <CustomerSiteId>3</CustomerSiteId> <CustomerSystemId>16</CustomerSystemId> <CycleAmount>1</CycleAmount> <Description>sample string 7</Description> <InvoiceId>2</InvoiceId> <InvoiceItemId>1</InvoiceItemId> <ItemCode>sample string 4</ItemCode> <Memo>sample string 17</Memo> <PONumber>sample string 12</PONumber> <PartCode>sample string 6</PartCode> <PartId>5</PartId> <Quantity>8.1</Quantity> <Rate>10</Rate> <ServiceEndDate>sample string 14</ServiceEndDate> <ServiceStartDate>sample string 13</ServiceStartDate> <UnitOfMeasureCode>sample string 9</UnitOfMeasureCode> <WarehouseCode>sample string 15</WarehouseCode> </CustomerInvoiceItem> </InvoiceItems> <InvoiceNumber>2</InvoiceNumber> <InvoiceType>sample string 4</InvoiceType> <IsFinanceCharge>true</IsFinanceCharge> <IsTaxable>true</IsTaxable> <IssueDate>sample string 10</IssueDate> <JobCode>sample string 3</JobCode> <LateFeeAmt>41</LateFeeAmt> <Memo>sample string 25</Memo> <NetDue>15</NetDue> <PONumber>sample string 19</PONumber> <Payment>14</Payment> <PaymentDate>sample string 24</PaymentDate> <PostingDate>sample string 38</PostingDate> <PrintedDate>sample string 33</PrintedDate> <SalespersonCode>sample string 20</SalespersonCode> <ServiceEndDate>sample string 23</ServiceEndDate> <ServiceStartDate>sample string 22</ServiceStartDate> <ServiceTicketId>31</ServiceTicketId> <ShippingAddress1>sample string 47</ShippingAddress1> <ShippingAddress2>sample string 48</ShippingAddress2> <ShippingAddress3>sample string 49</ShippingAddress3> <ShippingCarrierCode>sample string 42</ShippingCarrierCode> <ShippingCarrierMethodCode>sample string 43</ShippingCarrierMethodCode> <ShippingCity>sample string 50</ShippingCity> <ShippingCountry>sample string 53</ShippingCountry> <ShippingDeliveryInstructions>sample string 55</ShippingDeliveryInstructions> <ShippingName1>sample string 44</ShippingName1> <ShippingName2>sample string 45</ShippingName2> <ShippingPhoneNumber>sample string 46</ShippingPhoneNumber> <ShippingState>sample string 51</ShippingState> <ShippingTrackingInfo>sample string 54</ShippingTrackingInfo> <ShippingZip>sample string 52</ShippingZip> <TaxAmount>16</TaxAmount> <TaxExemptNumber>sample string 39</TaxExemptNumber> <TermCode>sample string 17</TermCode> <UserCode>sample string 35</UserCode> <WarehouseCode>sample string 30</WarehouseCode> </CustomerInvoice>
Response Information
Resource Description
CustomerInvoiceName | Description | Type | Additional information |
InvoiceId |
Sedona internal autonumber for the Customer Invoice record |
integer |
None. |
InvoiceNumber |
Invoice Number the customer sees |
integer |
None. |
JobCode |
Job Code seen in SedonaOffice |
string |
None. |
InvoiceType |
Valid options are "O" for Other and "S" for Service; defaults to "O"; if "S", must supply a Service Ticket Number |
string |
None. |
CustomerId |
Foreign key from AR_Customer table |
integer |
Required |
CustomerSiteId |
Foreign key from AR_Customer_Site table |
integer |
Required |
CustomerSiteAddress |
Site address from the AR_Customer_Site table |
string |
None. |
CustomerSiteName |
Site Name from the AR_Customer_Site table |
string |
None. |
InvoiceDate |
Defaults to today's date, but can be overridden |
string |
None. |
InvoiceDateFormatted | date |
None. |
IssueDate |
read only; this is the date the invoie is created, and will not be stored explicitly on a POST or PUT |
string |
None. |
CategoryCode |
Category from AR_Category table |
string |
Required |
Amount |
Invoice Amount |
decimal number |
Required |
Credit |
read only (calculated automatically); Amount of any credits applied to this invoice |
decimal number |
None. |
Payment |
read only (calculated automatically); Amount of any payments applied to this invoice |
decimal number |
None. |
NetDue |
read only (calculated automatically); Net due on this invoice |
decimal number |
None. |
TaxAmount |
Any tax amount on this invoice |
decimal number |
None. |
TermCode |
Payment terms, from AR_Term |
string |
Required |
AdvanceDeposit |
read only (calculated automatically); Amount of any advance deposits applied to this invoice |
decimal number |
None. |
PONumber |
Purchase Order number |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 20 |
SalespersonCode |
Salesperson (from SY_Employee table); defaults to N/A if not set explicitly |
string |
None. |
InvoiceDescriptionCode |
the Invoice Description Code, from AR_Invoice_Description table |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 25 |
ServiceStartDate |
Populated automatically as the earliest ServiceStartDate from the Invoice Item |
string |
None. |
ServiceEndDate |
Populated automatically as the latest ServiceStartDate from the Invoice Item |
string |
None. |
PaymentDate |
read only; this will not be stored explicitly on a POST or PUT |
string |
None. |
Memo |
Text for memo |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 255 |
IsFinanceCharge |
read only; this will not be stored explicitly on a POST or PUT |
boolean |
None. |
IsTaxable |
Designates that the invoice should be taxable |
boolean |
None. |
InPrintQueue |
set to true if this invoice should be printed and mailed to the customer |
boolean |
None. |
InEmailQueue |
set to true if this invoice should be emailed to the customer |
boolean |
None. |
WarehouseCode |
value from IN_Warehouse |
string |
None. |
ServiceTicketId |
pass in a ServiceTicketID or set to 1 (blank) for InvoiceType = "S"; defaults to 1 if not supplied |
integer |
None. |
AgingDate |
Defaults to invoice date if not supplied, but can be overridden |
string |
None. |
GSTTaxAmount |
GST Tax Amount (Canada) |
decimal number |
None. |
PrintedDate | string |
None. |
Complete | boolean |
None. |
UserCode |
the user making this change; defaults to UserCode value from config file if not set explicitly |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 30 |
CustomerBillId | integer |
Required |
BranchCode |
Branch from AR_Branch table |
string |
Required |
PostingDate |
read only; this will not be stored explicitly on a POST or PUT |
string |
None. |
TaxExemptNumber | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 20 |
GSTTaxExemptNumber | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 20 |
LateFeeAmt |
read only; this is automatically set to $0.00 on new records |
decimal number |
None. |
ShippingCarrierCode |
value from SH_Carrier table |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 25 |
ShippingCarrierMethodCode |
value from SH_Carrier_Method table |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 25 |
ShippingName1 |
Shipping fields used to create a record in the SH_Shipment table, only if BuildShippingRecord = 1 in config file. |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 50 |
ShippingName2 | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 50 |
ShippingPhoneNumber | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 20 |
ShippingAddress1 | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 50 |
ShippingAddress2 | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 50 |
ShippingAddress3 | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 50 |
ShippingCity | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 50 |
ShippingState | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 50 |
ShippingZip | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 50 |
ShippingCountry | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 2 |
ShippingTrackingInfo | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 50 |
ShippingDeliveryInstructions | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 100 |
InvoiceItems |
list of Invoice Items |
Collection of CustomerInvoiceItem |
None. |
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "InvoiceId": 1, "InvoiceNumber": 2, "JobCode": "sample string 3", "InvoiceType": "sample string 4", "CustomerId": 5, "CustomerSiteId": 6, "CustomerSiteAddress": "sample string 7", "CustomerSiteName": "sample string 8", "InvoiceDate": "sample string 9", "InvoiceDateFormatted": "2025-02-08T01:02:37.834819-06:00", "IssueDate": "sample string 10", "CategoryCode": "sample string 11", "Amount": 12.0, "Credit": 13.0, "Payment": 14.0, "NetDue": 15.0, "TaxAmount": 16.0, "TermCode": "sample string 17", "AdvanceDeposit": 18.0, "PONumber": "sample string 19", "SalespersonCode": "sample string 20", "InvoiceDescriptionCode": "sample string 21", "ServiceStartDate": "sample string 22", "ServiceEndDate": "sample string 23", "PaymentDate": "sample string 24", "Memo": "sample string 25", "IsFinanceCharge": true, "IsTaxable": true, "InPrintQueue": true, "InEmailQueue": true, "WarehouseCode": "sample string 30", "ServiceTicketId": 31, "AgingDate": "sample string 32", "GSTTaxAmount": 1.0, "PrintedDate": "sample string 33", "Complete": true, "UserCode": "sample string 35", "CustomerBillId": 36, "BranchCode": "sample string 37", "PostingDate": "sample string 38", "TaxExemptNumber": "sample string 39", "GSTTaxExemptNumber": "sample string 40", "LateFeeAmt": 41.0, "ShippingCarrierCode": "sample string 42", "ShippingCarrierMethodCode": "sample string 43", "ShippingName1": "sample string 44", "ShippingName2": "sample string 45", "ShippingPhoneNumber": "sample string 46", "ShippingAddress1": "sample string 47", "ShippingAddress2": "sample string 48", "ShippingAddress3": "sample string 49", "ShippingCity": "sample string 50", "ShippingState": "sample string 51", "ShippingZip": "sample string 52", "ShippingCountry": "sample string 53", "ShippingTrackingInfo": "sample string 54", "ShippingDeliveryInstructions": "sample string 55", "InvoiceItems": [ { "InvoiceItemId": 1, "InvoiceId": 2, "CustomerSiteId": 3, "ItemCode": "sample string 4", "PartId": 5, "PartCode": "sample string 6", "Description": "sample string 7", "Quantity": 8.1, "UnitOfMeasureCode": "sample string 9", "Rate": 10.0, "Amount": 11.0, "PONumber": "sample string 12", "ServiceStartDate": "sample string 13", "ServiceEndDate": "sample string 14", "WarehouseCode": "sample string 15", "CustomerSystemId": 16, "Memo": "sample string 17", "CustomText1": "sample string 18", "CustomText2": "sample string 19", "BillCycle": "sample string 20", "CycleAmount": 1.0, "CustomerEquipment": true }, { "InvoiceItemId": 1, "InvoiceId": 2, "CustomerSiteId": 3, "ItemCode": "sample string 4", "PartId": 5, "PartCode": "sample string 6", "Description": "sample string 7", "Quantity": 8.1, "UnitOfMeasureCode": "sample string 9", "Rate": 10.0, "Amount": 11.0, "PONumber": "sample string 12", "ServiceStartDate": "sample string 13", "ServiceEndDate": "sample string 14", "WarehouseCode": "sample string 15", "CustomerSystemId": 16, "Memo": "sample string 17", "CustomText1": "sample string 18", "CustomText2": "sample string 19", "BillCycle": "sample string 20", "CycleAmount": 1.0, "CustomerEquipment": true } ] }
application/xml, text/xml
<CustomerInvoice xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <AdvanceDeposit>18</AdvanceDeposit> <AgingDate>sample string 32</AgingDate> <Amount>12</Amount> <BranchCode>sample string 37</BranchCode> <CategoryCode>sample string 11</CategoryCode> <Complete>true</Complete> <Credit>13</Credit> <CustomerBillId>36</CustomerBillId> <CustomerId>5</CustomerId> <CustomerSiteAddress>sample string 7</CustomerSiteAddress> <CustomerSiteId>6</CustomerSiteId> <CustomerSiteName>sample string 8</CustomerSiteName> <GSTTaxAmount>1</GSTTaxAmount> <GSTTaxExemptNumber>sample string 40</GSTTaxExemptNumber> <InEmailQueue>true</InEmailQueue> <InPrintQueue>true</InPrintQueue> <InvoiceDate>sample string 9</InvoiceDate> <InvoiceDateFormatted>2025-02-08T01:02:37.834819-06:00</InvoiceDateFormatted> <InvoiceDescriptionCode>sample string 21</InvoiceDescriptionCode> <InvoiceId>1</InvoiceId> <InvoiceItems> <CustomerInvoiceItem> <Amount>11</Amount> <BillCycle>sample string 20</BillCycle> <CustomText1>sample string 18</CustomText1> <CustomText2>sample string 19</CustomText2> <CustomerEquipment>true</CustomerEquipment> <CustomerSiteId>3</CustomerSiteId> <CustomerSystemId>16</CustomerSystemId> <CycleAmount>1</CycleAmount> <Description>sample string 7</Description> <InvoiceId>2</InvoiceId> <InvoiceItemId>1</InvoiceItemId> <ItemCode>sample string 4</ItemCode> <Memo>sample string 17</Memo> <PONumber>sample string 12</PONumber> <PartCode>sample string 6</PartCode> <PartId>5</PartId> <Quantity>8.1</Quantity> <Rate>10</Rate> <ServiceEndDate>sample string 14</ServiceEndDate> <ServiceStartDate>sample string 13</ServiceStartDate> <UnitOfMeasureCode>sample string 9</UnitOfMeasureCode> <WarehouseCode>sample string 15</WarehouseCode> </CustomerInvoiceItem> <CustomerInvoiceItem> <Amount>11</Amount> <BillCycle>sample string 20</BillCycle> <CustomText1>sample string 18</CustomText1> <CustomText2>sample string 19</CustomText2> <CustomerEquipment>true</CustomerEquipment> <CustomerSiteId>3</CustomerSiteId> <CustomerSystemId>16</CustomerSystemId> <CycleAmount>1</CycleAmount> <Description>sample string 7</Description> <InvoiceId>2</InvoiceId> <InvoiceItemId>1</InvoiceItemId> <ItemCode>sample string 4</ItemCode> <Memo>sample string 17</Memo> <PONumber>sample string 12</PONumber> <PartCode>sample string 6</PartCode> <PartId>5</PartId> <Quantity>8.1</Quantity> <Rate>10</Rate> <ServiceEndDate>sample string 14</ServiceEndDate> <ServiceStartDate>sample string 13</ServiceStartDate> <UnitOfMeasureCode>sample string 9</UnitOfMeasureCode> <WarehouseCode>sample string 15</WarehouseCode> </CustomerInvoiceItem> </InvoiceItems> <InvoiceNumber>2</InvoiceNumber> <InvoiceType>sample string 4</InvoiceType> <IsFinanceCharge>true</IsFinanceCharge> <IsTaxable>true</IsTaxable> <IssueDate>sample string 10</IssueDate> <JobCode>sample string 3</JobCode> <LateFeeAmt>41</LateFeeAmt> <Memo>sample string 25</Memo> <NetDue>15</NetDue> <PONumber>sample string 19</PONumber> <Payment>14</Payment> <PaymentDate>sample string 24</PaymentDate> <PostingDate>sample string 38</PostingDate> <PrintedDate>sample string 33</PrintedDate> <SalespersonCode>sample string 20</SalespersonCode> <ServiceEndDate>sample string 23</ServiceEndDate> <ServiceStartDate>sample string 22</ServiceStartDate> <ServiceTicketId>31</ServiceTicketId> <ShippingAddress1>sample string 47</ShippingAddress1> <ShippingAddress2>sample string 48</ShippingAddress2> <ShippingAddress3>sample string 49</ShippingAddress3> <ShippingCarrierCode>sample string 42</ShippingCarrierCode> <ShippingCarrierMethodCode>sample string 43</ShippingCarrierMethodCode> <ShippingCity>sample string 50</ShippingCity> <ShippingCountry>sample string 53</ShippingCountry> <ShippingDeliveryInstructions>sample string 55</ShippingDeliveryInstructions> <ShippingName1>sample string 44</ShippingName1> <ShippingName2>sample string 45</ShippingName2> <ShippingPhoneNumber>sample string 46</ShippingPhoneNumber> <ShippingState>sample string 51</ShippingState> <ShippingTrackingInfo>sample string 54</ShippingTrackingInfo> <ShippingZip>sample string 52</ShippingZip> <TaxAmount>16</TaxAmount> <TaxExemptNumber>sample string 39</TaxExemptNumber> <TermCode>sample string 17</TermCode> <UserCode>sample string 35</UserCode> <WarehouseCode>sample string 30</WarehouseCode> </CustomerInvoice>