GET api/Vendor/{id}
Returns the specified Vendor
Request Information
URI Parameters
Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
id | integer |
Required |
Body Parameters
Response Information
Resource Description
VendorName | Description | Type | Additional information |
VendorId |
Sedona internal autonumber for the Vendor record |
integer |
None. |
VendorCode | string |
None. |
CompanyName | string |
None. |
FirstName | string |
None. |
LastName | string |
None. |
Address1 | string |
None. |
Address2 | string |
None. |
Address3 | string |
None. |
GETable1id |
City ID from GE_Table1 |
integer |
None. |
GETable2Id |
State ID from GE_Table2 |
integer |
None. |
GETable3Id |
Zip ID from GE_Table3 |
integer |
None. |
GETable4Id |
County ID from GE_Table4 |
integer |
None. |
ZipCodePlus4 | string |
None. |
CountryId |
Foreign key from SS_Country |
integer |
None. |
Contact | string |
None. |
Phone | string |
None. |
Fax | string |
None. |
TermId |
Foreign key from AR_Term |
integer |
None. |
TermCode |
Value from AR_Term table (Payment terms); list of valid options can be retrieved from GET: api/term |
string |
Required String length: inclusive between 0 and 25 |
FederalTaxId | string |
None. |
Issue1099 | string |
None. |
VendorTypeId |
Foreign key from AP_Vendor_Type |
integer |
None. |
VendorTypeCode |
from AP_Vendor_Type |
string |
None. |
Inactive | boolean |
None. |
BranchId |
/// Value from AR_Branch table; do not set explicitly; pass in BranchCode and this will be validated and set automatically |
integer |
None. |
BranchCode |
Value from AR_Branch table; defaults to config setting for branchCode if not supplied; list of valid options can be retrieved from GET: api/branch |
string |
Required String length: inclusive between 0 and 25 |
CategoryId | integer |
None. |
CategoryCode |
Category from AR_Category table |
string |
Required |
PymtAddress1 | string |
None. |
PymtAddress2 | string |
None. |
PymtAddress3 | string |
None. |
PymtGETable1Id | integer |
None. |
PymtGETable2Id | integer |
None. |
PymtGETable3Id | integer |
None. |
PymtZipCodePlus4 | string |
None. |
State | string |
None. |
ZipCode | string |
None. |
County | string |
None. |
PymtCity | string |
None. |
PymtState | string |
None. |
PymtZipCode | string |
None. |
PymtCounty | string |
None. |
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "VendorId": 1, "VendorCode": "sample string 2", "CompanyName": "sample string 3", "FirstName": "sample string 4", "LastName": "sample string 5", "Address1": "sample string 6", "Address2": "sample string 7", "Address3": "sample string 8", "GETable1id": 9, "GETable2Id": 10, "GETable3Id": 11, "GETable4Id": 12, "ZipCodePlus4": "sample string 13", "CountryId": 14, "Contact": "sample string 15", "Phone": "sample string 16", "Fax": "sample string 17", "TermId": 18, "TermCode": "sample string 19", "FederalTaxId": "sample string 20", "Issue1099": "sample string 21", "VendorTypeId": 22, "VendorTypeCode": "sample string 23", "Inactive": true, "BranchId": 25, "BranchCode": "sample string 26", "CategoryId": 27, "CategoryCode": "sample string 28", "PymtAddress1": "sample string 29", "PymtAddress2": "sample string 30", "PymtAddress3": "sample string 31", "PymtGETable1Id": 32, "PymtGETable2Id": 33, "PymtGETable3Id": 34, "PymtZipCodePlus4": "sample string 35", "State": "sample string 36", "ZipCode": "sample string 37", "County": "sample string 38", "PymtCity": "sample string 39", "PymtState": "sample string 40", "PymtZipCode": "sample string 41", "PymtCounty": "sample string 42" }
application/xml, text/xml
<Vendor xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <Address1>sample string 6</Address1> <Address2>sample string 7</Address2> <Address3>sample string 8</Address3> <BranchCode>sample string 26</BranchCode> <BranchId>25</BranchId> <CategoryCode>sample string 28</CategoryCode> <CategoryId>27</CategoryId> <CompanyName>sample string 3</CompanyName> <Contact>sample string 15</Contact> <CountryId>14</CountryId> <County>sample string 38</County> <Fax>sample string 17</Fax> <FederalTaxId>sample string 20</FederalTaxId> <FirstName>sample string 4</FirstName> <GETable1id>9</GETable1id> <GETable2Id>10</GETable2Id> <GETable3Id>11</GETable3Id> <GETable4Id>12</GETable4Id> <Inactive>true</Inactive> <Issue1099>sample string 21</Issue1099> <LastName>sample string 5</LastName> <Phone>sample string 16</Phone> <PymtAddress1>sample string 29</PymtAddress1> <PymtAddress2>sample string 30</PymtAddress2> <PymtAddress3>sample string 31</PymtAddress3> <PymtCity>sample string 39</PymtCity> <PymtCounty>sample string 42</PymtCounty> <PymtGETable1Id>32</PymtGETable1Id> <PymtGETable2Id>33</PymtGETable2Id> <PymtGETable3Id>34</PymtGETable3Id> <PymtState>sample string 40</PymtState> <PymtZipCode>sample string 41</PymtZipCode> <PymtZipCodePlus4>sample string 35</PymtZipCodePlus4> <State>sample string 36</State> <TermCode>sample string 19</TermCode> <TermId>18</TermId> <VendorCode>sample string 2</VendorCode> <VendorId>1</VendorId> <VendorTypeCode>sample string 23</VendorTypeCode> <VendorTypeId>22</VendorTypeId> <ZipCode>sample string 37</ZipCode> <ZipCodePlus4>sample string 13</ZipCodePlus4> </Vendor>