Code | Short | Description |
14006 |
Invalid Vendor Number |
14007 |
Invalid Category Code |
14008 |
Invalid Branch Code |
14009 |
Invalid Term Code |
14010 |
Job Code Not Found |
14011 |
Invalid Wharehouse Code |
14012 |
Invalid Customer Number |
14013 |
Expense Type Code Not Found |
14014 |
14015 |
Invalid Expense Account Number |
14100 |
General Processing Error |
14200 |
Transaction Rolled Back |
14300 |
Internal Sedona Error |
14301 |
Accounting Period Not Open |
Code | Short | Description |
16006 |
Invalid Customer Number |
16007 |
Invalid Category Code |
16008 |
Invalid Branch Code |
16100 |
General Processing Error |
16200 |
Transaction Rolled Back |
16300 |
Internal Sedona Error |
16301 |
Accounting Period Not Open |
Code | Short | Description |
19005 |
19006 |
Invalid Customer Id |
19007 |
Invalid EXPIRES Date |
19008 |
Invalid Customer Site Id |
19009 |
Invalid Customer System Id |
19100 |
General Processing Error |
Code | Short | Description |
1005 |
Customer Number IN USE |
1006 |
Invalid Customer Id |
The customer id is not valid. Make sure it is a customer id in the AR_Customer table. |
1007 |
Invalid Status Code |
1008 |
Invalid Branch Code |
1009 |
Invalid Term Code |
1010 |
Invalid Type Code |
1011 |
Invalid COLLECTION Status Code |
1012 |
Invalid SALESPERSON Code |
1013 |
Invalid DEALER Code |
1014 |
Invlaid Customer Group Code |
1015 |
Invlaid Customer Group 2 Code |
1016 |
Invlaid Customer RELATION Code |
1017 |
Invlaid Master Account Code |
1018 |
Error Adding Customer Group |
The customer group code could not be added to the AR_Customer_Group table |
1019 |
Invalid Customer Number |
1020 |
Invalid Date |
The date string provided could not be converted to a date value. Check the documentation and the string to make sure they are compitable. |
1100 |
General Processing Error |
Code | Short | Description |
10006 |
Invalid Customer Id |
The customer id is not valid. Make sure it is a customer id in the AR_Customer table. |
10007 |
Missing InvoiceS |
10009 |
Invalid BANK |
10010 |
Missing description |
10011 |
Missing Amount |
10012 |
10013 |
Missing RESPONSECode |
10014 |
10015 |
Missing TRACENumber |
10016 |
10017 |
Missing CC Or BANK Id |
10019 |
Invoice SUM OOB |
10100 |
General Processing Error |
Code | Short | Description |
6006 |
Invalid Customer Id |
The customer id is not valid. Make sure it is a customer id in the AR_Customer table. |
6007 |
Invalid Customer Bank Id |
6008 |
Invalid Bank |
6009 |
Bank Not Found |
The BankId provided does not match any of the AR_Bank records. |
6010 |
Missing Auto Process Day |
6011 |
Invalid Replace Customer CC Id |
6012 |
Invalid Customer Number |
The customer number could not be found in the system |
6100 |
General Processing Error |
Code | Short | Description |
2006 |
Invalid Customer Id |
The customer id is not valid. Make sure it is a customer id in the AR_Customer table. |
2007 |
Invalid Customer BILL Id |
2008 |
Missing BILLING Record |
2009 |
Invalid City |
2010 |
Invalid State |
2011 |
Invalid Zip |
2012 |
Invalid County |
2013 |
Invalid Zip City MATCH |
2014 |
Invalid Zip State MATCH |
2015 |
Invalid Country |
2016 |
Invalid Branch Code |
2017 |
Error Adding City |
2018 |
Error Adding State |
2019 |
Error Adding Zip |
2020 |
Error Adding County |
2021 |
Invalid Customer Number |
The customer number could not be found in the system |
2100 |
General Processing Error |
Code | Short | Description |
7006 |
Invalid Customer Id |
The customer id is not valid. Make sure it is a customer id in the AR_Customer table. |
7007 |
Invalid Customer CC Id |
7008 |
Missing Customer CC |
7009 |
Missing Card Type |
7010 |
Invalid Card Type |
7011 |
7012 |
Invalid Customer Number |
The customer number could not be found in the system |
7100 |
General Processing Error |
Code | Short | Description |
8006 |
Invalid Customer Id |
The customer id is not valid. Make sure it is a customer id in the AR_Customer table. |
8007 |
Invalid Customer CONTACT Id |
8008 |
Missing CONTACT Record |
8009 |
Missing CONTACT Type |
8010 |
7011 |
8100 |
General Processing Error |
8200 |
Transaction Rolled Back |
Code | Short | Description |
12006 |
Invalid Customer Id |
The customer id is not valid. Make sure it is a customer id in the AR_Customer table. |
12007 |
Invalid Customer BILL Id |
12008 |
Invalid Customer Site Id |
12009 |
Invalid Branch Code |
12010 |
Invalid SALESPERSON Code |
12011 |
Invalid Category Code |
12012 |
Invalid CREDIT Reason Code |
12013 |
Invalid Item Code |
12014 |
Invalid Part Code |
12015 |
Item SUM OOB |
12016 |
Item Or PART |
12017 |
Invalid TAX Group Code |
12100 |
General Processing Error |
12200 |
Transaction Rolled Back |
12300 |
Internal Sedona Error |
12301 |
Accounting Period Not Open |
Code | Short | Description |
25005 |
Invalid Customer EQUIPMENT Id |
25006 |
Invalid Customer Id |
25007 |
Invalid Customer Site Id |
25008 |
Invalid Customer System Id |
25009 |
Invalid Part Code |
25010 |
Job Code Not Found |
25011 |
Invalid WARRANTY Code |
25012 |
Invalid Type JSO |
25100 |
General Processing Error |
Code | Short | Description |
9006 |
Invalid Customer Id |
The customer id is not valid. Make sure it is a customer id in the AR_Customer table. |
9007 |
Invalid Customer BILL Id |
9008 |
Invalid Customer Site Id |
9009 |
Invalid Term Code |
9010 |
Invalid SALESPERSON Code |
9011 |
Invalid Category Code |
9012 |
Invalid Item Code |
9013 |
Invalid Part Code |
9014 |
Item SUM OOB |
9015 |
Item Or PART |
9016 |
Invalid Branch Code |
9017 |
9018 |
9019 |
Invalid Invoice description Code |
9020 |
Invalid Wharehouse Code |
9021 |
Missing Invoice ITEMS |
9022 |
Invalid Amount |
9023 |
Missing Service Date |
9024 |
Not Customers BILL |
9025 |
Invalid Customer Number |
The customer number could not be found in the system |
9026 |
Invalid Bill Cycle |
The BillCycle is limited to the following values: A, M, Q, S |
9100 |
General Processing Error |
9200 |
Transaction Rolled Back |
9300 |
Internal Sedona Error |
9301 |
Accounting Period Not Open |
Code | Short | Description |
15006 |
Invalid Customer Number |
15007 |
Invalid Category Code |
15008 |
Invalid Branch Code |
15009 |
15010 |
Invalid Invoice Number |
15011 |
Invoice SUM OOB |
15012 |
15100 |
General Processing Error |
15200 |
Transaction Rolled Back |
15300 |
Internal Sedona Error |
15301 |
Accounting Period Not Open |
Code | Short | Description |
5006 |
Invalid Customer Id |
The customer id is not valid. Make sure it is a customer id in the AR_Customer table. |
5007 |
Invalid Customer Site Id |
The customer site id is not valid. Make sure it is a customer site id in the AR_Customer_Site table. |
5008 |
Invalid Customer System Id |
The customer system id is not valid. Make sure it is a customer system id in the AR_Customer_System table. |
5009 |
Invalid Customer BILL Id |
The customer bill id is not valid. Make sure it is a customer bill id in the AR_Customer_Bill table. |
5010 |
Invalid Customer Recurring Id |
The customer recurring id is not valid. Make sure it is a customer recurring id in the AR_Customer_Recurring table. (Update Only) |
5011 |
Missing Recurring Record |
5012 |
Item Code Not Found |
5013 |
Master Item Code Not Found |
5014 |
Master Account Code Not Found |
5015 |
Job Code Not Found |
5016 |
RMR Reason Code Not Found |
5017 |
Invalid Branch Code |
5018 |
5019 |
RATE Change |
5020 |
Invalid BILL Cycle |
5021 |
Invalid EFFECTIVE Date |
5022 |
Recurring ALREADY Record |
5023 |
Missing Amount |
5024 |
Not Customer's Site |
The customer site id is not associated with the customer id submitted. A site from one customer cannot be assoicated with the recurring of other. |
5025 |
Not Customer's System |
The customer system id is not associated with the customer id submitted. A system from one customer cannot be assoicated with the recurring of other. |
5026 |
Not Customer's Bill |
The customer bill id is not associated with the customer id submitted. A bill record from one customer cannot be assoicated with the recurring of other. |
5027 |
Invalid Customer Number |
The customer number could not be found in the system |
5028 |
Invalid Bill Cycle |
The BillCycle is limited to the following values: A, M, Q, S |
5100 |
General Processing Error |
5200 |
Transaction Rolled Back |
Code | Short | Description |
3006 |
Invalid Customer Id |
The customer id is not valid. Make sure it is a customer id in the AR_Customer table. |
3007 |
Invalid TAX Group Code |
3008 |
Invalid Customer Site Id |
3009 |
Missing Site Record |
3010 |
Invalid City |
3011 |
Invalid State |
3012 |
Invalid Zip |
3013 |
Invalid County |
3014 |
Invalid Zip City MATCH |
3015 |
Invalid Zip State MATCH |
3016 |
Invalid Country |
3017 |
Invalid Branch Code |
3018 |
Error Adding City |
3019 |
Error Adding State |
3020 |
Error Adding Zip |
3021 |
Error Adding County |
3100 |
General Processing Error |
Code | Short | Description |
4006 |
Invalid Customer Id |
The customer id is not valid. Make sure it is a customer id in the AR_Customer table. |
4007 |
Invalid Customer Site Id |
The customer site id is not valid. Make sure it is a customer site id in the AR_Customer_Site table. |
4008 |
Invalid Customer System Id |
The customer system id is not valid. Make sure it is a customer sytem id in the AR_Customer_System table. (Updates Only) |
4009 |
Missing AR System Record |
4010 |
Missing CS System Record |
4011 |
Invalid CONTRACT FORM Code |
4012 |
Invalid WARRANTY Code |
4013 |
Invalid ALARM Company Code |
4014 |
Invalid Job Code |
4015 |
Invalid Service Level Code |
4016 |
Invalid PANEL Type Code |
4017 |
Invalid Service Company Code |
4018 |
Invalid System Code |
4019 |
Invalid RELATION |
4020 |
Not Customer's Site |
The customer site id is not associated with the customer id submitted. A site from one customer cannot be assoicated with the system of other. |
4021 |
Invalid Invoice Description Id |
The Invoice Description Id must match an Inv_Desc_Id in the AR_Invoice_Description table. |
4022 |
Invalid Transmission Format Id |
The Transmission Format Id must match an Transmission_Format_Id in the CS_Transmission_Format table. |
4023 |
Invalid Secondary Panel Type Id |
The Secondary Panel Type Id must match an Panel_Type_Id in the SY_Panel_Type table. |
4024 |
Invalid Secondary Transmission Format Id |
The SecondaryTransmission Format Id must match an Transmission_Format_Id in the CS_Transmission_Format table. |
4025 |
Invalid Customer Number |
The customer number could not be found in the system |
4100 |
General Processing Error |
Code | Short | Description |
17006 |
Invalid Customer System Id |
The customer system id is not valid. Make sure it is a customer id in the AR_Customer table. |
17007 |
Existing USERDEF Record |
There is already a record in the Customer System Userdef table with the same CustomerSystemId. Use the PUT call to update a Userdef record. |
17009 |
Missing USERDEF Record |
17010 |
Invalid Table 7 Code |
170011 |
Invalid Table 8 Code |
170012 |
Invalid Table 9 Code |
17100 |
General Processing Error |
Code | Short | Description |
13006 |
Invalid Customer Id |
The customer id is not valid. Make sure it is a customer id in the AR_Customer table. |
13007 |
Existing USERDEF Record |
There is already a record in the Userdef table with the same CustomerId. Use the PUT call to update a Userdef record. |
13008 |
Invalid Customer USERDEF Id |
13009 |
Missing USERDEF Record |
13010 |
Invalid Table 1 Code |
130011 |
Invalid Table 2 Code |
130012 |
Invalid TAble 3 Code |
130013 |
Invalid Customer Number |
The customer number could not be found in the system |
13100 |
General Processing Error |
Code | Short | Description |
22009 |
Invalid Service Tech Code |
22010 |
22011 |
Invalid Service Tech Id |
22012 |
Invalid Date |
22013 |
Invalid Dispatch Type |
22014 |
Invalid Service Ticket Id |
Code | Short | Description |
26006 |
Invalid Company Id |
26007 |
Invalid Service Ticket Number |
26008 |
Invalid SERCURITY Level |
26009 |
Invalid DOCUMENT Type |
26100 |
General Processing Error |
26200 |
Database Validation Error |
Code | Short | Description |
21005 |
Invalid Dispatch Id |
21006 |
Invalid Departure TIME |
21007 |
Invalid Task Code |
21009 |
Invalid Note Type |
21010 |
Job Code Not Found |
21011 |
Invalid Job System Id |
21012 |
Invalid Part Code |
21013 |
Master ITEM Code Not Found |
21014 |
Phase Code Not Found |
21015 |
Invalid Vendor Code |
21016 |
Invalid Job Id |
21017 |
Invalid Service Tech Id |
21018 |
Invalid Job Status Code |
21019 |
Invalid Job Type Code |
21020 |
Invalid SALESPERSON Code |
21021 |
Invalid Installer Id |
21022 |
Invalid Taxing Group Code |
21023 |
Invalid Install Company Code |
21024 |
Invalid Branch Code |
21025 |
Invalid Customer Id |
21026 |
Invalid Customer Number |
21027 |
21028 |
Invalid Job TIMESHEET Id |
21029 |
Invalid Job Task Id |
21030 |
Invalid Job Code |
21031 |
Invalid Service Tech Code |
21032 |
Invalid Schedule Date |
21033 |
Invalid Installer Code |
21100 |
General Processing Error |
21200 |
Transaction Rolled Back |
21300 |
Internal Sedona Error |
Code | Short | Description |
11006 |
Invalid Customer Id |
11007 |
Master Account Id Not Found |
11100 |
General Processing Error |
Code | Short | Description |
23006 |
Invalid Country |
23007 |
Invalid SOURCE Code |
23008 |
Invalid Salesperson Code |
23009 |
Invalid Salesperson2 Code |
23010 |
Invalid REFERRAL Customer Id |
23011 |
Invalid Status Code |
23012 |
Invalid Department Code |
23013 |
23014 |
Invalid Existing Customer Id |
23015 |
Invalid Master Account Code |
23016 |
Invalid Service Ticket Id |
23017 |
Invalid PROSPECT Id |
23018 |
23019 |
Invalid LAST FOUR |
23020 |
23021 |
Invalid Customer BILL ID |
23022 |
Not Customers BILL |
23023 |
23100 |
General Processing Error |
Code | Short | Description |
24005 |
Purchase Order Not Found |
24006 |
Invalid Category Code |
24007 |
Invalid Vendor Code |
24008 |
Invalid Job Code |
24009 |
Invalid Service Ticket |
24010 |
24011 |
Invalid Branch Code |
24012 |
Invalid Wharehouse Code |
24013 |
Invalid Part Code |
24014 |
Phase Code Not Found |
24015 |
Invalid Account Code |
24016 |
Invalid Customer Number |
24017 |
Invalid Expense Type Code |
24018 |
Purchase Order Part Not Found |
24019 |
Purchase Order Expense Not Found |
24100 |
General Processing Error |
24200 |
Database Validity Error |
24300 |
Internal Sedona Error |
Code | Short | Description |
18005 |
Invalid Dispatch Id |
18006 |
Invalid Service Ticket Id |
18007 |
Invalid Customer Id |
18008 |
Invalid Resolution Code |
18009 |
Invalid Service Tech Code |
18010 |
Invalid Ticket Status |
18011 |
Invalid State |
18012 |
Invalid Part Code |
18013 |
Invalid Service Ticket Number |
18014 |
Invalid Wharehouse Code |
18015 |
Cannot Resolve Note |
18016 |
GoBack Or Resolve |
18017 |
Cannot And Resolution Note |
18018 |
Invalid Resolution Access Level |
18019 |
Invalid Departure TIME |
18020 |
Existing Resolution Note |
18021 |
Invalid Service Tech Id |
18100 |
General Processing Error |
18200 |
Transaction Rolled Back |
18300 |
Internal Sedona Error |
Code | Short | Description |
20006 |
Invalid Unapplied Cash Id |
20007 |
Invalid Category Code |
20008 |
Invalid Amount |
20009 |
Invalid Invoice Number |
20010 |
Invoice Number Or Acct Code |
20011 |
Acct Code Invalid |
20012 |
20100 |
General Processing Error |
20200 |
Transaction Rolled Back |
20300 |
Internal Sedona Error |
20301 |
Accounting Period Not Open |