Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
Sedona internal autonumber for the ACH record |
integer |
None. |
CustomerId |
Foreign key from AR_Customer table |
integer |
Required |
EnteredDate |
read only; set automatically on POST |
string |
None. |
Description |
Description of the transaction (field is required). Can be set up as a config setting upon request. |
string |
Required String length: inclusive between 0 and 50 |
InvoiceId |
Foreign key from AR_Invoice table; currently required to create ACH |
integer |
Required |
InvoiceNumber |
read only; Invoice Number the customer sees |
integer |
None. |
InvoiceDate |
read only |
string |
None. |
Amount | decimal number |
Required |
Submitted |
read only; set automatically on POST |
boolean |
None. |
SubmitDate |
read only; set automatically on POST |
string |
None. |
BatchCode |
read only; set automatically on POST |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 25 |
UserCode |
the user making this change; defaults to UserCode value from config file if not set explicitly |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 25 |
ReadyToPost |
read only; set automatically on POST |
boolean |
None. |
ResponseType |
value passed back from Forte API; should be "F" for approved Credit Card transactions and blank for bank transactions |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 1 |
ResponseCode |
value passed back from Forte API; should be "A01" for approved Credit Card transactions and blank for bank transactions |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 3 |
Posted |
read only; set automatically on POST |
boolean |
None. |
HoldDate |
read only; set automatically on POST |
string |
None. |
AuthorizationCode |
value passed back from Forte API; required for Credit Card transactions (should be null for Bank) |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 25 |
TraceNumber |
value passed back from Forte API; required for Credit Card transactions (should be null for Bank) |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 60 |
BankId |
represents the Bank_Id field in AR_Customer_Bank, NOT Customer_Bank_Id; do not set explicitly; this value will be set automatically by passing in the CustomerBankId |
integer |
None. |
CustomerBankId |
primary key in AR_Customer_Bank representing the customer's bank record |
integer |
None. |
BankAccountName |
read only; set automatically on POST |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 22 |
CustomerCCId |
key from AR_Customer_CC; set up Credit Card record first, then pass in CustomerCCId |
integer |
None. |
NameOnCard |
read only; set automatically on POST |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 22 |
Voided |
read only; set automatically on POST |
boolean |
None. |
VoidReason |
read only; set automatically on POST |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 50 |
LastFourDigits |
read only; set automatically on POST |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 4 |
AVSResponse |
Address verification flag (1 = verified); defaults to 0 (N/A) if not supplied |
integer |
None. |
ACHDirectToken |
if applicable, token representing a customer's credit card |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 50 |
MerchantId |
if applicable, the ACH Direct MerchantId (from AR_ACH_Direct setup table) |
string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 10 |
IsCredit |
set False for payment; set True for Credit - for a Credit with no Invoices, you must first create a Credit Memo via CustomerCredit, and appy the open credit to the Refunds account code via CustomerCreditDetail |
boolean |
None. |
Invoices |
collection of invoices to be paid or creditedby this ACH; leave null for Unapplied |
Collection of CustomerACHInvoice |
None. |